
*Language technology jobs in the sun*


We’re hiring!

 Who are we?


   Prompsit Language Engineering
   <http://www.prompsit.com>), a language technology company in Elx,
   Spain, serving for more than 10 years private companies and public
   organisations with a myriad of automated linguistic services related
   to multilingual applications.


   Universitat d’Alacant <https://www.ua.es/>(www.ua.es
   <http://www.ua.es>), a public university located in Alacant, on the
   Mediterranean coast, with more than twenty years of research on
   machine translation and translation technologies.

 Work in language technologies in South-East Spain

You know language technologies are fun. We work with:


   modern artificial intelligence


   machine translation (MT) and computer-aided translation (CAT)


   natural language processing (NLP)


   big data and applications

South-East Spain is also fun:


   We’re based in Elx and Alacant: nice mid-sized cities with palm
   trees, history, vibrant culture and lots of fun and festivities.


   Both Prompsit and UA are located in really nice university campuses
   at only 20 km from each other.


   We’re close to both mountains and beaches. We enjoy excellent
   Mediterranean weather: warm and sunny.


   Our airport is easy to fly to from most of Europe


   The cost of living here is very affordable(47% cheaper than Dublin,
   29% cheaper than Edinburgh, 17% cheaper than Trento, or 7% cheaper
   than Prague).

 You will participate in European projects


   ParaCrawl:  “Provision of Web-Scale Parallel Corpora for Official
   European Languages”: web-crawled big data for machine translation:
   paracrawl.eu <https://paracrawl.eu/>


   GoURMET:  “Global Under-Resourced Media Translation”: building
   state-of-the-art neural machine translation for world languages you
   might not have heard of and for which the huge data usually needed
   is simply not there. EU-funded project in collaboration with
   Universitat d’Alacant, University of Edinburgh, University of
   Amsterdam, British Broadcasting Corporation and Deutsche Welle.


   iADAATPA: “Intelligent, Automatic Domain Adapted Automated
   Translation for Public Administrations”: see Multilingual

 And be involved in the development of NLP tools


   Bitextor <https://github.com/bitextor/bitextor>: a parallel web


   Bicleaner <https://github.com/bitextor/bicleaner>: a parallel corpus


   Keops <http://keops.prompsit.com>: a web-based parallel corpus
   evaluation tool


   Apertium <https://www.apertium.org/index.eng.html>: a rule-based
   machine translation platform


   Neural MT engines: based on OpenNMT and Marian NMT + linguistics


   Connectors to CAT toolssuch as OmegaT or MateCat

 We are looking for...


   Programmers interested in languages and natural language processing


   PhD students in natural language processing


   Post-doctoral language technologists

For at least 2 years, to start now or in the first half of 2019. We need people who are fluent in English and like languages, who want to join the language technology field either from a research perspective (Universitat d’Alacant) or a more applied perspective (Prompsit), who want to learn and contribute new ideas. Salary will depend on position and experience.

 Send us your résumé!

Tell us why are you interested in joining us at langtechjobsinthe...@prompsit.com <mailto:langtechjobsinthe...@prompsit.com>

 See us at


   WMT 2018 - Brussels - 31 Oct. - 1 Nov. 2018: → Look for Mikel L. Forcada


   IWSLT 2018 - Bruges -29-30 Oct. 2018 → Look for Víctor M.


Mikel L. Forcada  http://www.dlsi.ua.es/~mlf/
Departament de Llenguatges i Sistemes Informàtics
Universitat d'Alacant
E-03690 Sant Vicent del Raspeig
Office: +34 96 590 9776

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