(Sorry for multiple posting)

The Institute for Applied Linguistics (IAL) at Eurac Research (Bolzano,
Italy)  is happy to announce the availability of one internship for BA/BS,
MA/MS and PhD students interested in carrying out a research project on
Machine Translation (MT) for Grammar Error Correction (GEC).

*Title*: Machine Translation for Grammar Error Correction

*Deadline*: 15.07.2019

GEC is the task of automatically correcting grammatical errors in text.
MT-based approaches to GEC - where MT systems carry out a monolingual
translation from a text containing errors into a text that is free of
errors - have produced very competitive results over the recent years.

This internship project aims to explore innovative ways to combine
different MT systems for the purpose of creating a high quality
semi-automatic error correction system. The long-term plan is to integrate
the system in a manual annotation tool to assist linguists in annotating
learner corpora, by offering corrections for spans of text manually marked
as containing errors.

The internship project will take a two-step approach where (i) several MT
systems (including Automatic Post-Editing models) are trained on specific
learner corpora, and (ii) the best output is then selected by a Machine
Learning based ensemble component trained to detect and filter unreliable
error corrections.

This internship will focus on a small and carefully selected subproject.
The number and complexity of experiments will be compatible with a work
plan spanning over 3-4 months, ideally aiming at a scientific publication.

The internship will be jointly led by the Institute for Applied Linguistics
(IAL) at Eurach Research,  Bolzano, and the “Machine Translation” Research
Unit at Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK), Trento. The selected intern will be
based at Eurac Research in Bolzano, and will spend a period of time at FBK.

Candidates should:
- have a good background in deep learning and maths
- have strong programming skills
- have excellent English communication skills, both oral and written
- knowledge of machine translation and linguistics is a plus

Candidates should indicate if they are eligible to an Erasmus+
<https://www.erasmusplus.org.uk/work-abroad> internship funding.

More information about the internship and financial support is available

Motivated students are invited to submit their application by 15.07.2019
through the form available HERE

The starting date and duration of the internship are flexible. The
internship starts after mid-September 2019 and lasts between 3 and 4
months. Candidates will be asked to specify their preferred starting date
and duration in the application form.

Contacts: Lionel Nicolas
(EURAC) and Marco Turchi <https://ict.fbk.eu/people/detail/marco-turchi/>

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