* BUCC proceedings online
* Post hoc participation in the shared task still possible any time

Dear Colleagues,

It may be of interest to some of you that this year, on the planned date 
(May 11, 2020), the LREC Workshop on Building and Using Comparable 
Corpora (13th edition with shared task on Bilingual Dictionary Induction 
from Comparable Corpora) took place for the first time as a free online 
event with a record number of participants. The presentations including 
Q&A sessions were conducted live (without recordings) using the open 
source web conferencing system BigBlueButton. According to a few 
short surveys conducted at the end of the workshop, the participants 
seemed to be happy with the outcome.

The workshop website is at


The proceedings can be found at


and will be soon moved to the ACL anthology.

In addition to a number of regular papers, the proceedings include an
overview paper on the shared task as well as system description papers 
from the participating teams.

We will keep the data provided for the shared task (corpora, embeddings,
datasets of word translations) online on the shared task description page at


So you can still test your systems using this data, and if you contact us 
we will be happy to evaluate your results using the original evaluation
datasets. (The same applies for the previous BUCC shared task on parallel
sentence extraction from comparable corpora.)

We would like to thank the LREC team (including Nicoletta Calzolari 
and Khalid Choukri), the invited speakers (Holger Schwenk and Jörg 
Tiedemann), and all authors and participants for making the online 
event possible!

With kind regards,

Reinhard Rapp, Pierre Zweigenbaum and Serge Sharoff

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