Jeff asked me if I would talk to Rich and folks at IU on Friday about the performance graphs. Below are my notes from that meeting:

- It would be really useful to 'zoom' into sections of the graph. Primarily restricting the x-axis (Message Size), but also having the ability to restrict the y-axis (time)

- Calling the y-axis 'latency' is a bit misleading, maybe 'time' would be better. Minor issue.

- Torsten mentioned that he was interested in seeing the other skampi data that we are throwing away. Namely the time-per-rank. And if available communicator size.

- Torsten mentioned that he wants to add some non-blocking collective test that he is work on. I told him to contact Jeff on how to do this.

- We need a well defined way to see what collective implementation was used. Meaning that there are N AlltoAll collective implementations in the 'tuned' component we need to know when looking at the graph which one of the N we are looking at for Open MPI. For other implementations we don't have so much control.

- It is difficult to search in the reporter for queries like:
Open MPI run with only tcp,sm,self ; Intel MPI (which is only tcp I believe) ; MPICH2 with tcp
  results from running the skampi Bcast benchmark.
The reporter is designed to track a single MPI well for regression tracking. However when we need to compare multiple MPIs and each may need to be selected with a different type of query it is impossible/ hard to do. One solution I proposed was using the 'tagging' idea, but there might be some alternative UI features that we can develop to better support these types of queries. Tim P seemed interested/had some ideas on how to do this.

- They really liked the ability to look at the HTML version of the raw data. They seemed frustrated that the popup window is reused when looking at multiple HTML versions of the raw data. They wanted this to be a static window that they could keep open so they could look at multiple variants of this data in small screens.

That was about it. They thought it was good over all, but the above were suggestions on ways to make the representation more useful.

-- Josh

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