I just implemented a 'fix' for this in which if the client submits a test_build or test_run without proper lineage instead of guessing (any mostly getting it wrong) we just point the result to an 'undef' row. This will allow us to more effectively track these going forward, and maybe even remove them if needed.

So I guess I wouldn't worry about it past this morning, but it is something we might want to ponder about a bit more by looking at how the reporter/submit scripts should deal with Already Installed scenarios.

-- Josh

On Sep 19, 2007, at 10:08 AM, Ethan Mallove wrote:

On Mon, Sep/17/2007 10:46:45AM, Josh Hursey wrote:
I've been getting quite a few errors from submit.php of
the below  form. It seems that the MPI Install that is
being referenced is not  valid. Could this is an 'already
installed' issue where the user is  trying to submit
results to the database without having submitted an

You are correct. Some test reporter-less runs were done
before some runs that used the MTTDatabase reporter were
done. I guess the rule of thumb is to, from the outset, run
using --trial if you plan to eventually send to the


-- Josh

On Sep 17, 2007, at 10:37 AM, jjhur...@open-mpi.org wrote:

The following SELECT returned -1:
SELECT mpi_install_id
     mpi_get     NATURAL JOIN
     compiler    NATURAL JOIN
     compute_cluster NATURAL JOIN
        mpi_version = '1.2.4b1r16122M'  AND
        mpi_name    = 'developer'  AND
        compiler_version    = '4.1.2'  AND
        hostname    = 'fog01'  AND
        mtt_client_version    = '2.1devel'  AND
        local_username    = 'paklui'  AND
        platform_name    = 'fog01'
        ORDER BY mpi_install_id DESC limit 1

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