Ethan/Josh --

Torsten's libnbc benchmark program outputs a whole bunch of numbers that we are not currently recording. Essentially, it outputs a fixed number of double precision numbers for each message size (each of which has a different meaning). We obviously currently cannot record all of these numbers in the database.

Torsten will come find Josh when he returns to IU to discuss if it would be easy/hard to store this stuff in the database -- that would be the first step. Next we will need to update submit.php and the client to submit the data properly and then store it in the DB. Finally, we will need to update the reporter to visualize this information in a new way (it's more than just standard latency/ bandwidth information).

There is no immediate need to get this all done, but it should be added to the "to do" list to eventually get done. I'll file a ticket about it.

I think that this is different than the SKaMPI storage problem because the number of values that are output for each message size is fixed (the extended SKaMPI output has a number for each MPI process). So I *think* it should be fairly easy to add a new table for libnbc data in the database...?

Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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