On Apr 15, 2009, at 9:14 AM, Mike Dubman wrote:

Hmm. Ok, so you're saying that we define a "phase object" (for each phase) with all the fields that we expect to have, but if we need to, we can create fields on the fly, and google will just "do the right thing" and associate *all* the data (the "expected" fields and the "dynamic" fields) together?

yep. correct. We can define only static attributes (which we know for sure should present in every object of given type and leave phase specific attributes to stay dynamic)

Hmm. I would think that even in each phase, we have a bunch of fields that we *know* we want to have, right?

I have a Doodle account -- let's try that to do the scheduling:


Ethan, Josh, and I are all in US Eastern timezone (I don't know if Josh will participate), so that might make scheduling *slightly* easier. I started timeslots at 8am US Eastern and stopped as 2pm US Eastern -- that's already pretty late in Israel. I also didn't list Friday, since that's the weekend in Israel.

can we do it on your morining? (our after noon) :)

Visit the Doodle URL (above) and you'll see.  :-)

Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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