Ah, ok. Yes, that is cleaner -- so &perl() is of somewhat limited value.

I already have a Cisco.pm file, so adding a new funclet is no biggie. Thanks for the idea.

On Jul 6, 2009, at 10:54 AM, Ethan Mallove wrote:

On Mon, Jul/06/2009 10:25:51AM, Jeff Squyres wrote:
> I was just trying to use &perl() in an ini file and ran across an annoying
> restriction: I had to make the whole thing be one long line:
> max_test_num = <<EOF
> &perl('open(IN, "./mpi_test_suite -l|") || die("cant open"); while (<IN>) { > if (m/Num Tests : (\d+)/) { close(IN); return $1; } } close(IN); return
> "0"; ')
> Without that, the MTT parser would complain that it couldn't find the > closing ' quote (i.e., "&perl(' ... ')"). I tracked it down and it's
> because if I did this:
> max_test_num = <<EOF
> &perl('
> open(IN, "./mpi_test_suite -l|") || die("cant open");
> while (<IN>) {
>     if (m/Num Tests : (\d+)/) { close(IN); return $1; }
> }
> close(IN);
> return "0";
> ')
> then the parser stops looking for the closing quote on the "&perl('" line
> -- it doesn't go beyond the \n.  Yuck.

Ewww. I think the parser should be able to handle those newlines.

> Any suggestions?

When I need a multi-line &perl(), I throw the perl code into a sub in
my funclet file. E.g., do this in a Cisco.pm file:

  sub max_test_num {
    open(IN, "./mpi_test_suite -l|") || die("cant open");
    while (<IN>) {
        if (m/Num Tests : (\d+)/) {
          return $1;
    return "0";

Put your funclet file next to your INI file, since your INI file will
now require your funclet file:


And then have this in your INI file:

  funclet_files = &dirname("@INI_NAME@")/../funclets/Cisco.pm
  max_test_num = &Cisco::max_test_num()


> --
> Jeff Squyres
> Cisco Systems
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Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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