On Feb 12, 2010, at 2:08 AM, Igor Ivanov wrote:

>> *** WARNING: Could not run module
>>     MTT::Test::Analyze::Performance::NetPipe:PreReport: Undefined
>>     subroutine &MTT::Test::Analyze::Performance::NetPipe::PreReport called
>>     at (eval 335838) line 1.
> [II] It is the same thing as with "analyze_module" warning you got before. 
> There are set of values that we would like to store in datastore but they do 
> not exist in original analyzer. To avoid conflict with original mtt procedure 
> _pre_process_phase call is done to get info from special function integrated 
> into original analyzers as PreReport.

Gotcha.  I just committed some fixes for this (test for PreReport existence 
before trying to call it).

>> *** ERROR: Module aborted: MTT::Reporter::MTTGDS:Finalize: Nested
>>     quantifiers in regex; marked by <-- HERE in m/\s[\S/\\]*mpi2c++ <--
>>     HERE _test.*/ at /home/jsquyres/svn/mtt/lib/MTT/Reporter/MTTGDS.pm line
>>     498.

I just submitted some fixes for this, too.  I think it's a safer way to extract 
the mca params.

>> Is there a way to re-submit my data to GDS?
>> [II] Yes. You can upload data (datafile.yaml) from local place to datastore 
>> using bquery.pl --upload. Place for collected data can be controlled by 
>> "repository_tempdir", "repository_dirname_prefix"
> [VBench]
> repository_tempdir=&scratch_root()/gds_data
> repository_dirname_prefix=gds
> submit_failed_results_to_gds=0

Cool; good to know.  I'll just re-run stuff for now and re-submit -- easy 

Jeff Squyres

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