That would be most excellent.

If we're going to have some kind of web pages available at the same time as
the e-mail, what you suggest would be awesome.

On 7/20/06 6:23 PM, "Anna Tatashina" <> wrote:

> well, what might suffice is having one rather short email - like
> executive summary you listed as #1. and then as well, include links that
> would perform 3-4 standard queries which could include
> query1:list all failures
> query2:list all tests with short descriptions
> query3: something 3
> query4: something 4
> this way nobody is overwhelmed with extra information but have an easy
> access to more detailed info
> thank you,
> Anya
> Jeff Squyres wrote On 07/20/06 18:10,:
>> This looks great!
>> The only addition that I would ask for is some kind of executive summary at
>> the top so that developers can look at one small portion of data and see if
>> they need to look any further.  One of the Big Goals of MTT was to avoid
>> overloading the developers w/ information by only sending out "interesting"
>> results (read: failures).
>> Specifically, we might want to have one or more e-mails, each with varying
>> levels of detail:
>> 1. The executive summary (probably with links for more detail)
>> 2. All of #1 plus all failures
>> 3. All of #2 plus short version of successes
>> 4. ....?
>> I anticipate that since we have such a wide variety of developers, some will
>> [greatly] prefer the different levels of information.  I, for example, will
>> probably prefer #3, while Graham Fagg will likely prefer #1.  :-)
>> However, if this is overshooting the immediate goals of getting it running,
>> no problem -- let's go with something like #2 or #3 and splitting it apart
>> later.  Lots of useful feature possibilities here after it's all
>> working/giving good results.
>> On 7/20/06 5:33 PM, "Ethan Mallove" <> wrote:
>>> Here's a draft for a nightly test results email format. One
>>> will receive reports through
>>> Note: The following is a faux-report. Just pretend there is
>>> nothing non-sensical about the data.
>>> This might be better sent as an attachment, or a link to a
>>> webpage as lots of email clients have default textwidth
>>> settings that will make the formatted tables look like
>>> gobbledygook.
>>> We are also planning a webpage frontend (e.g.,
>>> to the test results with
>>> more flexibility in generating reports than this static
>>> email report. In other words, we're leaving out lots of
>>> bells and whistles here as those will be implemented in the
>>> webpage frontend.
>>> -Ethan
>>> ======
>>> Subject: Test results for <datestamp>
>>> Body:
>>> * Failed MPI Install(s)
>>> os_version: SunOS 5.10
>>> platform_hardware: i86pc
>>> platform_id: Sun's Cluster
>>> mpi_name: ompi-nightly-v1.0
>>> mpi_version: 1.0.3a1r10793
>>> * Failed Test Build(s)
>>> os_version: SunOS 5.10
>>> platform_hardware: i86pc
>>> platform_id: Sun's Cluster
>>> mpi_name: ompi-nightly-v1.0
>>> mpi_version: 1.0.3a1r10793
>>> +----+------------+---------+------------------------+
>>> | #  |    time    |   cat   |          name          |
>>> +----+------------+---------+------------------------+
>>> | 1  | 2006-07-20 | ibm     | test_abc               |
>>> | 2  | 2006-07-20 | ibm     | test_xyz               |
>>> | 3  | 2006-07-20 | intel   | test_123               |
>>> [snip] ...
>>> [1]
>>> environment: foo = bar
>>> compiler_flags: -g -fugly-complex -fno-globals -Wno-globals -Isrc -I.
>>> stderr: blah blah blah
>>> stdout: blah blah blah
>>> * Failed Test Run(s)
>>> os_version: SunOS 5.10
>>> platform_hardware: i86pc
>>> platform_id: Sun's Cluster
>>> mpi_name: ompi-nightly-v1.0
>>> mpi_version: 1.0.3a1r10793
>>> +----+------------+---------+------------------------+
>>> | #  |    time    |   cat   |          name          |
>>> +----+------------+---------+------------------------+
>>> | 1  | 2006-07-20 | ibm     | zero1                  |
>>> | 2  | 2006-07-20 | ibm     | spawn                  |
>>> | 3  | 2006-07-20 | ibm     | spawn_multiple         |
>>> | 4  | 2006-07-20 | ibm     | abort                  |
>>> | 5  | 2006-07-20 | ibm     | final                  |
>>> | 6  | 2006-07-20 | intel   | init_thread_funneled   |
>>> | 7  | 2006-07-20 | intel   | init_thread_serialized |
>>> | 8  | 2006-07-20 | intel   | init_thread_multiple   |
>>> | 9  | 2006-07-20 | imb     | range                  |
>>> | 10 | 2006-07-20 | imb     | cart                   |
>>> | 11 | 2006-07-20 | imb     | graph                  |
>>> | 12 | 2006-07-20 | imb     | sub                    |
>>> [snip] ...
>>> * Failed Test Run Details
>>> [1]
>>> environment: foo = bar
>>> test_command: mpirun -np 2 --prefix
>>> /workspace/em162155/hpc/mtt/trunk/installs/ompi-nightly-v1.0/solaris_i386/in
>>> st
>>> all
>>> ./zero1
>>> stderr: blah blah blah
>>> stdout: blah blah blah
>>> [2]
>>> environment: foo = bar
>>> test_command: mpirun -np 2 --prefix
>>> /workspace/em162155/hpc/mtt/trunk/installs/ompi-nightly-v1.0/solaris_i386/in
>>> st
>>> all
>>> ./spawn
>>> stderr: blah blah blah
>>> stdout: blah blah blah
>>> [snip] ...
>>> * Failed Test(s)
>>> os_version: Linux
>>> platform_hardware: i86pc
>>> platform_id: IU Odin Cluster
>>> mpi_name: ompi-nightly-v1.0
>>> mpi_version: 1.0.3a1r10793
>>> +----+------------+---------+------------------------+
>>> | #  |    time    |   cat   |          name          |
>>> +----+------------+---------+------------------------+
>>> | 1  | 2006-07-20 | ibm     | zero1                  |
>>> | 2  | 2006-07-20 | ibm     | spawn                  |
>>> | 3  | 2006-07-20 | ibm     | spawn_multiple         |
>>> | 9  | 2006-07-20 | imb     | range                  |
>>> | 12 | 2006-07-20 | imb     | sub                    |
>>> [snip] ...
>>> * Failed Test Details
>>> [1]
>>> environment: foo = bar
>>> test_command: mpirun -np 2 --prefix
>>> /workspace/em162155/hpc/mtt/trunk/installs/ompi-nightly-v1.0/solaris_i386/in
>>> st
>>> all
>>> ./zero1
>>> stderr: blah blah blah
>>> stdout: blah blah blah
>>> [2]
>>> environment: foo = bar
>>> test_command: mpirun -np 2 --prefix
>>> /workspace/em162155/hpc/mtt/trunk/installs/ompi-nightly-v1.0/solaris_i386/in
>>> st
>>> all
>>> ./spawn
>>> stderr: blah blah blah
>>> stdout: blah blah blah
>>> [snip] ...
>>> ======
>>> * Passed Test Run(s)
>>> os_version: SunOS 5.10
>>> platform_hardware: i86pc
>>> platform_id: Sun's Cluster
>>> mpi_name: ompi-nightly-v1.0
>>> mpi_version: 1.0.3a1r10793
>>> +----+------------+---------+-------------------------+
>>> |  # |    time    |   cat   |          name           |
>>> +----+------------+---------+-------------------------+
>>> |  3 | 2006-07-17 | trivial | f77_hello               |
>>> | 32 | 2006-07-20 | ibm     | allgatherv_in_place     |
>>> | 33 | 2006-07-20 | ibm     | allreduce               |
>>> | 34 | 2006-07-20 | ibm     | allreduce_in_place      |
>>> | 35 | 2006-07-20 | ibm     | alltoall                |
>>> | 36 | 2006-07-20 | intel   | alltoallw               |
>>> | 37 | 2006-07-20 | intel   | barrier                 |
>>> | 38 | 2006-07-20 | intel   | bcast                   |
>>> | 39 | 2006-07-20 | imb     | bcast_struct            |
>>> | 40 | 2006-07-20 | imb     | exscan                  |
>>> | 41 | 2006-07-20 | imb     | gather                  |
>>> | 42 | 2006-07-20 | imb     | gather_in_place         |
>>> | 43 | 2006-07-20 | imb     | gatherv                 |
>>> | 44 | 2006-07-20 | imb     | gatherv_in_place        |
>>> [snip] ...
>>> os_version: Linux
>>> platform_hardware: i86pc
>>> platform_id: IU Odin Cluster
>>> mpi_name: ompi-nightly-v1.0
>>> mpi_version: 1.0.3a1r10793
>>> +----+------------+---------+-------------------------+
>>> |  # |    time    |   cat   |          name           |
>>> +----+------------+---------+-------------------------+
>>> |  3 | 2006-07-17 | trivial | f77_hello               |
>>> | 32 | 2006-07-20 | ibm     | allgatherv_in_place     |
>>> | 33 | 2006-07-20 | ibm     | allreduce               |
>>> | 34 | 2006-07-20 | ibm     | allreduce_in_place      |
>>> | 35 | 2006-07-20 | ibm     | alltoall                |
>>> | 36 | 2006-07-20 | intel   | alltoallw               |
>>> | 37 | 2006-07-20 | intel   | barrier                 |
>>> | 38 | 2006-07-20 | intel   | bcast                   |
>>> | 39 | 2006-07-20 | imb     | bcast_struct            |
>>> | 40 | 2006-07-20 | imb     | exscan                  |
>>> | 41 | 2006-07-20 | imb     | gather                  |
>>> | 42 | 2006-07-20 | imb     | gather_in_place         |
>>> | 43 | 2006-07-20 | imb     | gatherv                 |
>>> | 44 | 2006-07-20 | imb     | gatherv_in_place        |
>>> [snip] ...
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Jeff Squyres
Server Virtualization Business Unit
Cisco Systems

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