On Jun 11, 2007, at 6:02 PM, Ethan Mallove wrote:

btls = &if("&regexp("&shell("hostname")", "v440-2|v20z-2")", \
           "&enumerate("self,sm,tcp")", \
           "&if("&regexp("&shell("hostname")", "v440-6")", \
               "&enumerate("udapl")", \
"&enumerate("sm", "tcp", "sm,tcp", "udapl", "sm,udapl")"" \
           ) \

Yowza! We really need to make this quoting situation better somehow. :-(

Don't you have an extra ) in there at the end?

How come EvaluateString() doesn't translate this:

btls = &if("&regexp("&shell("hostname")", "v440-2|v20z-2")", \
           "&enumerate("self,sm,tcp")", \
           "&if("&regexp("&shell("hostname")", "v440-6")", \
               "&enumerate("udapl")", \
"&enumerate("sm", "tcp", "sm,tcp", "udapl", "sm,udapl")"" \
           ) \

Into one big eval block like this:

eval $btls = MTT::Functions::if(MTT::Functions::regexp (MTT::Functions::shell("hostname"), "v440-2|v20z-2"),
MTT::Functions::if("MTT::Functions::regexp ("MTT::Functions::shell("hostname"), "v440-6"),
MTT::Functions::enumerate("sm", "tcp", "sm,tcp", "udapl", "sm,udapl")

So we could put the burden of the nasty recursive
parenthesis/quote parsing on perl, rather than MTT. That
would seem to naturally make the INI funclet syntax more

Ah -- I had to think about this a bit before I figured it out/ remembered. I think we won't get the expansion effect if you do it this way. Although it might solve some other issues (e.g., https:// svn.open-mpi.org/trac/mtt/ticket/184)...?

Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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