
Looking at the patch I'm a little bit conserned. The "get_table_fields()" is, as you mentioned, no longer used so should be removed. However the other functions are critical to the submission script particularly 'do_pg_connect' which opens the connection to the backend database.

Are you using the current development trunk (mtt/trunk) or the stable release branch (mtt/branches/ompi-core-testers)?

Can you send us the error messages that you were receiving?


On May 7, 2008, at 4:49 AM, Pavel Shamis (Pasha) wrote:

I upgraded the server side (the mtt is still running , so don't know if the problem was resolved) During upgrade I had some problem with the submit/index.php script, it had some duplicated functions and some of them were broken.
Please review the attached patch.


Ethan Mallove wrote:
On Tue, May/06/2008 06:29:33PM, Pavel Shamis (Pasha) wrote:

I'm not sure which cron jobs you're referring to. Do you
mean these?

I talked about this one:

I'm guessing you would only be concerned with the below script, which just runs
ANALYZE/VACUUM queries. I think you can start that up
whenever you want (and it should optimize the Reporter).


The only thing there are the regular email alerts and some out-of-date
DB monitoring junk. You can ignore that stuff.

Josh, are there some nightly (DB
pruning/cleaning/vacuuming?) cron jobs that Pasha should be



Ethan Mallove wrote:

Hi Pasha,

I thought this issue was solved in r1119 (see below). Do you
have the latest mtt/server scripts?


On Tue, May/06/2008 03:26:43PM, Pavel Shamis (Pasha) wrote:

About the issue:
1. On client side I see ""*** WARNING: MTTDatabase client did not get a serial" As result of the error some of MTT results is not visible via the web reporter
2. On server side I found follow error message:
[client] PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 23592960 bytes) in /.autodirect/swgwork/MTT/mtt/submit/index.php(79) : eval()'d code on line 77515 [Mon May 05 19:26:05 2008] [notice] caught SIGTERM, shutting down [Mon May 05 19:30:54 2008] [notice] suEXEC mechanism enabled (wrapper: /usr/sbin/suexec) [Mon May 05 19:30:54 2008] [notice] Digest: generating secret for digest authentication ...
[Mon May 05 19:30:54 2008] [notice] Digest: done
[Mon May 05 19:30:54 2008] [notice] LDAP: Built with OpenLDAP LDAP SDK [Mon May 05 19:30:54 2008] [notice] LDAP: SSL support unavailable
My memory limit in php.ini file was set on 256MB !

Any ideas ?


Pavel Shamis (Pasha)
Mellanox Technologies

mtt-users mailing list

Pavel Shamis (Pasha)
Mellanox Technologies

mtt-users mailing list

Pavel Shamis (Pasha)
Mellanox Technologies

mtt-users mailing list

Pavel Shamis (Pasha)
Mellanox Technologies

Index: submit/index.php
--- submit/index.php    (revision 1200)
+++ submit/index.php    (working copy)
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
# Copyright (c) 2006      Cisco Systems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
+# Copyright (c) 2008 Mellanox Technologies. All rights reserved.

@@ -24,8 +25,7 @@ if (file_exists("$topdir/")) {
ini_set("memory_limit", "32M");

$topdir = '..';
-$ompi_home = '/l/osl/www/doc/';

@@ -1465,60 +1465,6 @@ function get_table_indexes($table_name,
    return simple_select($sql_cmd);

-# Function used to determine which _POST fields
-# to INSERT. Prevent non-existent fields from being
-function get_table_fields($table_name) {
-    global $dbname;
-    global $id;
-    # These indexes are special in that they link phases
-    # together and hence, can and do show up in _POST
-    if ($table_name == "test_build")
-        $special_indexes = array("mpi_install$id");
-    elseif ($table_name == "test_run")
-        $special_indexes = array("test_build$id");
-    # Crude way to tell whether a field is an index
-    $is_not_index_clause =
-           "\n\t (table_name = '$table_name' AND NOT " .
-           "\n\t (data_type = 'integer' AND " .
-           "\n\t column_name ~ '_id$' AND " .
-           "\n\t table_catalog = '$dbname'))";
-    $is_special_index_clause =
-           "\n\t (table_name = '$table_name' AND " .
-           "\n\t (column_name = '$special_indexes[0]'))";
-    $is_index_columns = array(
-            "column_name",
-            "data_type",
-            "column_default");
-    $sql_cmd = "\n   SELECT " . join(",",$is_index_columns) .
-               "\n\t FROM information_schema.columns WHERE " .
-               "\n\t " .
-                     $is_not_index_clause . " OR " .
-                     $is_special_index_clause . ';';
-    do_pg_connect();
-    # This table will be easier to manage if it's
-    # keyed by column, instead of index
-    $tmp = array();
-    $arr = array();
-    $arr = select($sql_cmd);
-    foreach ($is_index_columns as $col) {
-        $tmp[$col] = array();
-        for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($arr); $i++) {
-            $tmp[$col][] = $arr[$i][$col];
-        }
-    }
-    return $tmp;
# Useful display of all the parameters posted.
# Warning: this function could explode the memory footprint causing the
@@ -1622,90 +1568,6 @@ function is_null_($var) {


-function do_pg_connect() {
-    global $dbname;
-    global $user;
-    global $pass;
-    global $pgsql_conn;
-    static $connected = false;
-    if (!$connected) {
-        $pgsql_conn =
- pg_connect("host=localhost port=5432 dbname=$dbname user=$user password=$pass");
-        # Exit if we cannot connect
-        if (!$pgsql_conn) {
- mtt_abort("\nCould not connect to the $dbname database; " .
-                      "submit this run later.");
-        }
-        else {
-            $connected = true;
-            # Serialize all transactions by default - Safer that way.
-        }
- # pg_set_error_verbosity($pgsql_conn, PGSQL_ERRORS_VERBOSE); # PHP 5 needed
-        # pg_trace($_ENV['HOME'] . "/pgsql.trace", 'w', $pgsql_conn);
- # debug("\npg_options: " . var_export(pg_options($pgsql_conn)));
-    }
-function do_pg_query($cmd, $silent) {
-    $db_res = null;
-    do_pg_connect();
-    debug("\nSQL: $cmd\n");
-    if (! ($db_res = pg_query($cmd))) {
-        $out = "\nSQL QUERY: " . $cmd .
-               "\nSQL ERROR: " . pg_last_error() .
-               "\nSQL ERROR: " . pg_result_error();
-        # Some errors are unsurprising, allow for silence in
-        # such cases
-        if (! $silent) {
-            mtt_error($out);
-            mtt_send_mail($out);
-        }
-    }
- debug("\nDatabase rows affected: " . pg_affected_rows($db_res) . "\n");
-    return $db_res;
-# Fetch scalar value
-function select_scalar($cmd) {
-    $set = array();
-    $set = simple_select($cmd);
-    return array_shift($set);
-# Fetch 1D array
-function simple_select($cmd) {
-    do_pg_connect();
-    $rows = null;
-    debug("\nSQL: $cmd\n");
-    if (! ($result = pg_query($cmd))) {
-        $out = "\nSQL QUERY: " . $cmd .
-               "\nSQL ERROR: " . pg_last_error() .
-               "\nSQL ERROR: " . pg_result_error();
-        mtt_error($out);
-        mtt_send_mail($out);
-    }
-    $max = pg_num_rows($result);
-    for ($i = 0; $i < $max; ++$i) {
-        $row = pg_fetch_array($result, $i, PGSQL_NUM);
-        $rows[] = $row[0];
-    }
-    return $rows;
# Fetch an associative hash (column name => value)
function associative_select($cmd) {

@@ -1722,21 +1584,6 @@ function associative_select($cmd) {
    return pg_fetch_array($result);

-# Fetch 2D array
-function select($cmd) {
-    do_pg_connect();
-    debug("\nSQL: $cmd\n");
-    if (! ($result = pg_query($cmd))) {
-        $out = "\nSQL QUERY: " . $cmd .
-               "\nSQL ERROR: " . pg_last_error() .
-               "\nSQL ERROR: " . pg_result_error();
-        mtt_error($out);
-        mtt_send_mail($out);
-    }
-    return pg_fetch_all($result);

# Function for reporting errors back to the client

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