OK, so how about calling it --mpi-build-scratch?
Once we get a consensus on what to call it, I can commit the patch to svn.

Can anyone check it quick for vpath builds?

Just a FYI, I've already run into the "downside" I mentioned once this week.
I had to rerun my MTT to get access to the build directory, since it
was on /tmp on some random BigRed compute node.  Hmm... maybe a
feature enhancement would be to copy it to your regular --scratch if
a build failure was detected?  Maybe later I'll do that as yet another option,
say, --copy-mpi-build-on-failure.  No time this week, but hey, its an idea.

On Thu, Sep 18, 2008 at 9:10 AM, Jeff Squyres <jsquy...@cisco.com> wrote:
> Patch looks good.  Please also update the CHANGES file (this file reflects
> bullets for things that have happened since the core testers branch).
> On Sep 15, 2008, at 6:15 PM, Tim Mattox wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Attached is a patchfile for the mtt trunk that adds a
>> --local-scratch <dir_name>
>> option to client/mtt.  You can also specify something like
>> this in your [MTT] ini section:
>> local_scratch = &shell("echo /tmp/`whoami`_mtt")
>> This local-scratch directory is then used for part of the --mpi-install
>> phase to speed up your run.  Specifically, the source-code of the
>> MPI is untarred there, configure is run, make all, and make check.
>> Then, when make install is invoked the MPI is installed into the
>> usual place as if you hadn't used --local-scratch.  If you don't
>> use --local-scratch, then the builds occur in the usual place that
>> they have before.
>> For the clusters at IU that seem to have slow NSF home directories,
>> this cuts the --mpi-install phase time in half.
>> The downside is that if the MPI build fails, your build directory is out
>> on some compile-node's /tmp and is harder to go debug.  But, since
>> mpi build failures are now rare, this should make for quicker turnaround
>> for the general case.
>> I think I adjusted the code properly for the vpath build case, but I've
>> never used that so haven't tested it.  Also, I adjusted the free disk
>> space
>> check code.  Right now it only checks the free space on --scratch,
>> and won't detect if --local-scratch is full.  If people really care, I
>> could make it check both later.  But for now, if your /tmp is full
>> you probably have other problems to worry about.
>> Comments?  Can you try it out, and if I get no objections, I'd like
>> to put this into the MTT trunk this week.
>> --
>> Tim Mattox, Ph.D. - http://homepage.mac.com/tmattox/
>> tmat...@gmail.com || timat...@open-mpi.org
>> I'm a bright... http://www.the-brights.net/
>> <mtt-local-scratch.patch>_______________________________________________
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>> mtt-us...@open-mpi.org
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> --
> Jeff Squyres
> Cisco Systems
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Tim Mattox, Ph.D. - http://homepage.mac.com/tmattox/
 tmat...@gmail.com || timat...@open-mpi.org
 I'm a bright... http://www.the-brights.net/

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