On Mon, Apr/13/2009 09:45:09AM, Barrett, Brian W wrote:
> Hi all -
> I can't find documentation on the test run block, but is there a way to set
> the max time a test can run?  

In our test run sections we set the "timeout" param, e.g.,

  timeout = &max(60, &multiply(20, &test_np()))

That would set the timeout for the test run section to the maximum of
60 seconds and 20 * np seconds.

> I'm running the tests on interactively scheduled nodes, and we're
> having tests hang and clog up the nodes for days. There's clearly a
> bug on the OMPI trunk I get to track down, but the timeout on the
> tests is the bigger concern right now :).

MTT will kill the orterun after the timeout, but we've been seeing
zombie a.out's clog up our cluster. You might want to stick this in
your "MPI details" section:

  after_all_exec = mpirun @hosts@ orte-clean -v

Assuming orte-clean still works.


> Thanks,
> Brian
> --
>    Brian W. Barrett
>    Dept. 1423: Scalable System Software
>    Sandia National Laboratories
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