On Apr 30, 2009, at 5:17 PM, Barrett, Brian W wrote:

I have what's probably a stupid question, but I couldn't find the answer on
the wiki.

The wiki has a lot of info, but it is probably incomplete.  :-\

I've currently been building OMPI and the tests then running the tests all in the same MTT run, all in a batch job. The problem is, that means I've got a bunch of nodes reserved while building OMPI, which I can't actually

Is there any way to split the two phases (build and run) so that I can build
outside of the batch job, get the reservation, and run the tests?

Yes. I actually have quite a sophisticated (if I do say so myself ;-) ) system at Cisco -- I split all my gets/installs/builds into separate slurm jobs from the corresponding test runs, for example. In that way, I can submit a whole pile of 1-node SLURM jobs to do all the gets/installs/builds, and then N-node SLURM jobs for the test runs. Even better, I make the N-node SLURM jobs depend on the 1- node SLURM get/install/build jobs. That way, if the 1-node job fails (e.g., someone commits a build error to the tree and the MPI install phase fails), then SLURM will automatically dequeue any dependent jobs without even running them. MTT would recognize this and simply not run the test run phases, but it's nice that SLURM just kills them without even running them. :-)

Anyhoo... The client is quite flexible; you can limit what you run by phase and/or section. Check out the output of "./client/mtt --help". This part in particular:

--[no-]mpi-get                  Do the "MPI get" phase
--[no-]mpi-install              Do the "MPI install" phase
--[no-]mpi-phases               Alias for --mpi-get --mpi-install
--[no-]test-get                 Do the "Test get" phase
--[no-]test-build               Do the "Test build" phase
--[no-]test-run                 Do the "Test run" phase
--[no-]test-phases Alias for --test-get --test-build -- test-run
--[no-]section                  Do a specific section(s)

By default, the client runs everything in finds in the ini file. But you can tell it exactly what phases to run (or not to run). For example, say I had 2 MPI get phases:

[MPI get: ompi-nightly-trunk]
[MPI get: ompi-nightly-v1.3]

You can tell the client to run just the MPI Get phases:

   ./client/mtt --file ... --scratch ... --mpi-get

Or you can tell the client to run just the "trunk" MPI Get phase:

   ./client/mtt --file ... --scratch ... --mpi-get --section trunk

--section matching is case-insensitive.

BEWARE: the --section matching applies to *all* sections. Specifically, if you're running a reportable phase (MPI Install, Test Build, Test Install), you must *also* be able to match your reporter section or that section won't be included. For example:

./client/mtt --file ... --scratch ... --mpi-install --section gnu- standard --section reporter

In my cisco-ompi-core-testing.ini file (see ompi-tests/trunk/cisco/ mtt), this will run the following sections:

[MPI install: GNU-standard]
[Reporter: IU database]

I have a "nightly.pl" script (same SVN dir, see above) that launches a set of very specific SLURM jobs to do Cisco's runs. It reads the sections from the Cisco INI file and launches a whole series of 1-node SLURM jobs, each with a unique scratch tree, each doing a single MPI install section corresponding to a single MPI get section, and then doing all corresponding Test Builds. It essentially runs "run-mtt- compile.pl <get_section> <install_section>". This script essentially does the following:

   # Run a single MPI Get phase
./client/mtt -p --file ... --scratch <foo> --mpi-get --section reporter --section <get_section>
   # if ^^ succeeds, run a single MPI install phase
./client/mtt -p --file ... --scratch <foo> --mpi-install --section reporter --section <install_section> # if ^^ succeeds, run all corresponding Test Get and Test Build phases
   ./client/mtt -p --file ... --scratch <foo> --test-get --test-build

I also sbatch a whole pile of corresponding N-node Test Run SLURM jobs that are dependent upon the above SLURM job that essentially run the following:

./client/mtt -p --file ... --scratch <foo> --test-run --section reporter --section <run_section>

Hope that helps.

Jeff Squyres
Cisco Systems

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