On Jun 1, 2010, at 5:41 AM, rohit wrote:

>                 I am using mtt v3.0. I am running mtt on 3 machines as :
> cat inifile/developer.ini inifile/trivial.ini | mtt --verbose - .
> The ini files used are attached. The environment where i am trying is :
> Platform  :   RHEL5asu5 ( 64 bit ) on all three nodes.
> While running the test in the test run phase it is prompting a message
> OUT OF MEMORY and exiting. Please help me out in debugging the issue.

Can you send the specific output from the failed tests?  I don't recognize "OUT 
OF MEMORY" out of context...

Are you able to run trivial Open MPI tests successfully outside of MTT?

Jeff Squyres
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