       I am setting up mtt testing in my institute. Clusters in my
institute don't have outbound access to mtt reporter link. So, I
download and run tests on the clusters. Then copy mtt-scratch to other
machine (with internet access) and run mtt with only reporter
configuration. Part of configuration is given below and complete file is
attached. Mtt with reporter configuration runs fine but results are not
uploaded. Can anybody, please give me a clue to resolve this issue?

[Reporter: IU database]
module = MTTDatabase

mttdatabase_realm = OMPI
mttdatabase_url = https://mtt.open-mpi.org/submit/
# OMPI Core: Change this to be the username and password for your
# submit user.  Get this from the OMPI MTT administrator.
mttdatabase_username = ****
mttdatabase_password = ****
# OMPI Core: Change this to be some short string identifying your
# cluster.
mttdatabase_platform = lakhi_HLRS_nehalem_nodes

# Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Cisco Systems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2006-2007 Sun Microystems, Inc.  All rights reserved.
# Copyright (c) 2008      High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart,
#                         University of Stuttgart.  All rights reserved.

# Template MTT configuration file for Open MPI core testers.  Note
# that there are many items in this file that, while they are good for
# examples, may not work for random MTT users.  For example, the
# "ompi-tests" SVN repository that is used in many of the examples
# below is *not* a public repository (there's nothing really secret in
# this repository; it contains many publicly-available MPI tests and
# benchmarks, but we have never looked into the redistribution rights
# of these codes, so we keep the SVN repository "closed" to the
# general public and only use it internally in the Open MPI project).


# The intent for this template file is to establish at least some
# loose guidelines for what Open MPI core testers should be running on
# a nightly basis.  This file is not intended to be an exhaustive
# sample of all possible fields and values that MTT offers.  Each site
# will undoubtedly have to edit this template for their local needs
# (e.g., pick compilers to use, etc.), but this file provides a
# baseline set of configurations that we intend you to run.

# OMPI core members will need to edit some values in this file based
# on your local testing environment.  Look for comments with "OMPI
# Core:" for instructions on what to change.

# Note that this file is artificially longer than it really needs to
# be -- a bunch of values are explicitly set here that are exactly
# equivalent to their defaults.  This is mainly because there is no
# reliable form of documentation for this ini file yet, so the values
# here comprise a good set of what options are settable (although it
# is not a comprehensive set).

# Also keep in mind that at the time of this writing, MTT is still
# under active development and therefore the baselines established in
# this file may change on a relatively frequent basis.

# The guidelines are as follows:
# 1. Download and test nightly snapshot tarballs of at least one of
#    the following:
#    - the trunk (highest preference)
#    - release branches (highest preference is the most recent release
#      branch; lowest preference is the oldest release branch)
# 2. Run all 4 correctness test suites from the ompi-tests SVN
#    - trivial, as many processes as possible
#    - intel tests with all_tests_no_perf, up to 64 processes
#    - IBM, as many processes as possible
#    - IMB, as many processes as possible
# 3. Run with as many different components as possible
#    - PMLs (ob1, dr)
#    - BTLs (iterate through sm, tcp, whatever high speed network(s) you
#      have, etc. -- as relevant)

# Overall configuration


# OMPI Core: if you are not running in a scheduled environment and you
# have a fixed hostfile for what nodes you'll be running on, fill in
# the absolute pathname to it here.  If you do not have a hostfile,
# leave it empty.  Example:
#     hostfile = /home/me/mtt-runs/mtt-hostfile
# This file will be parsed and will automatically set a valid value
# for &env_max_np() (it'll count the number of lines in the hostfile,
# adding slots/cpu counts if it finds them).  The "hostfile" value is
# ignored if you are running in a recognized scheduled environment.
hostfile =

# OMPI Core: if you would rather list the hosts individually on the
# mpirun command line, list hosts here delimited by whitespace (if you
# have a hostfile listed above, this value will be ignored!).  Hosts
# can optionally be suffixed with ":num", where "num" is an integer
# indicating how many processes may be started on that machine (if not
# specified, ":1" is assumed).  The sum of all of these values is used
# for &env_max_np() at run time.  Example (4 uniprocessors):
#    hostlist = node1 node2 node3 node4
# Another example (4 2-way SMPs):
#    hostlist = node1:2 node2:2 node3:2 node4:2
# The "hostlist" value is ignored if you are running in a scheduled
# environment or if you have specified a hostfile.
hostlist =

# OMPI Core: if you are running in a scheduled environment and want to
# override the scheduler and set the maximum number of processes
# returned by &env_max_procs(), you can fill in an integer here.
max_np = 

# OMPI Core: Output display preference; the default width at which MTT
# output will wrap.
textwrap = 76

# OMPI Core: After the timeout for a command has passed, wait this
# many additional seconds to drain all output, and then kill it with
# extreme prejiduce.
drain_timeout = 5

# OMPI Core: Whether this invocation of the client is a test of the
# client setup itself.  Specifically, this value should be set to true
# (1) if you are testing your MTT client and/or INI file and do not
# want the results included in normal reporting in the MTT central
# results database.  Results submitted in "trial" mode are not
# viewable (by default) on the central database, and are automatically
# deleted from the database after a short time period (e.g., a week).
# Setting this value to 1 is exactly equivalent to passing "--trial"
# on the MTT client command line.  However, any value specified here
# in this INI file will override the "--trial" setting on the command
# line (i.e., if you set "trial = 0" here in the INI file, that will
# override and cancel the effect of "--trial" on the command line).
trial = 0 

# OMPI Core: Set the scratch parameter here (if you do not want it to
# be automatically set to your current working directory). Setting
# this parameter accomplishes the same thing that the --scratch option
# does.
scratch = &getenv("HOME")/mtt/mtt-scratch

# OMPI Core: Set local_username here if you would prefer to not have
# your local user ID in the MTT database
# local_username =

# OMPI Core: --force can be set here, instead of at the command line.
# Useful for a developer workspace in which it makes no sense to not
# use --force
# force = 1

# OMPI Core: Specify a list of sentinel files that MTT will regularly
# check for.  If these files exist, MTT will exit more-or-less
# immediately (i.e., after the current test completes) and report all
# of its results.  This is a graceful mechanism to make MTT stop right
# where it is but not lose any results.
# terminate_files = &getenv("HOME")/mtt-stop,&scratch_root()/mtt-stop

# OMPI Core: Specify a default description string that is used in the
# absence of description strings in the MPI install, Test build, and
# Test run sections.  The intent of this field is to record variable
# data that is outside the scope, but has effect on the software under
# test (e.g., firmware version of a NIC).  If no description string is
# specified here and no description strings are specified below, the
# description data field is left empty when reported.  
# description = NIC firmware: &system("get_nic_firmware_rev")

# OMPI Core: Specify a logfile where you want all MTT output to be
# sent in addition to stdout / stderr.
# logfile = /tmp/my-logfile.txt

# OMPI Core: If you have additional .pm files for your own funclets,
# you can have a comma-delimited list of them here.  Note that each
# .pm file *must* be a package within the MTT::Values::Functions
# namespace.  For example, having a Cisco.pm file must include the
# line:
#     package MTT::Values::Functions::Cisco;
# If this file contains a perl function named foo, you can invoke this
# functlet as &Cisco::foo().  Note that funclet files are loaded
# almost immediately, so you can use them even for other field values
# in the MTT section.
# funclet_files = /path/to/file1.pm, /path/to/file2.pm

# OMPI Core: To ensure that MTT doesn't fill up your disk, you can
# tell MTT to stop when disk space gets too low.  You can specify a
# raw number of bytes or a percentage of overall disk space.  For
# example (default value is "5%"):
# min_disk_free = 5% # stop when there's less than 5% disk free
# min_disk_free = 500000 # stop when there's less than 500,000 bytes free

# OMPI Core: When MTT detects a low-disk situation, it can wait a
# little while before reporting whatever results it has accumulated
# and exiting.  The min_disk_free_wait field specifies a number of
# minutes to wait for there to be enough disk space to be free.  If
# there is still not enough disk space at the end of that time, MTT
# will report accumulated results and quit.
# min_disk_free_wait = 60

# Submit results on per section basis as alterative to 
submit_group_results = 1

# code to run on mtt start
# on_start=&shell("modprobe ummunot")

# code to run on mtt stop
# on_stop=&shell("modprobe -r ummunot")

# Reporter phase

[Reporter: IU database]
module = MTTDatabase

mttdatabase_realm = OMPI
mttdatabase_url = https://mtt.open-mpi.org/submit/
# OMPI Core: Change this to be the username and password for your
# submit user.  Get this from the OMPI MTT administrator.
mttdatabase_username = ****
mttdatabase_password = ****
# OMPI Core: Change this to be some short string identifying your
# cluster.
mttdatabase_platform = lakhi_HLRS_nehalem_nodes

# This is a backup for while debugging MTT; it also writes results to
# a local text file

[Reporter: text file backup]
module = TextFile

textfile_filename = $phase-$section-$mpi_name-$mpi_version.txt

textfile_summary_header = <<EOT
hostname: &shell("hostname")
uname: &shell("uname -a")
who am i: &shell("who am i")

textfile_summary_footer =
textfile_detail_header =
textfile_detail_footer =

textfile_textwrap = 78

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