
The &env_max_procs() does not seem to work in my setup.
MTT is run from within a PBS job which should be supported.
If I set np in the configuration to a fixed value, tests run propperly. :/

Here the config section:

[Test run]
pass = &and(&cmd_wifexited(), &eq(&cmd_wexitstatus(), 0))
timeout = &max(30, &multiply(10, &test_np()))
save_stdout_on_pass = 1
merge_stdout_stderr = 1
stdout_save_lines = 1000
np = &env_max_procs()
#np = 64
specify_module = Simple

[Test run: mpi_test_suite  ]
test_build = hlrs_mpi_test_suite
include_section = Test run
specify_module = Simple
simple_pass:tests = mpi_test_suite

And here the error message where np is empty during execution:

Running with [ompi-nightly-v1.6] / [1.6.6a1r29300] / [gcc warnings]
   Using MPI Details [open mpi] with MPI Install [gcc warnings]
>>> Using group_reports
   ### Total tests to run in this section:
   ###              1 test executable(s)
   ###              1 np value(s)
   ###              1 argv value(s)
   ###              1 test variant(s)
   ###              1 total mpirun command(s) to run
*** WARNING: Test: mpi_test_suite -t "All,^io,^one-sided", np=, variant=1:

Any idea where this problem comes from?

Best regards
Christoph Niethammer

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