Hi All, I'm trying to setup and run MTT suite but the download of the tools is 
failing due to the username & password. How do I obtain the username and 
password for the repo?

I have attached the output from the console also.

[root@core96cn1 mtt]# client/mtt --file 
/root/mtt-3.0/samples/ompi-core-template.ini --trial --no-section iu.database 
--no-section irc --verbose
*** MTT: client/mtt --file /root/mtt-3.0/samples/ompi-core-template.ini --trial 
--no-section iu.database --no-section irc --verbose
*** Running on core96cn1.blr.asicdesigners.com
*** Main scratch tree: /mtt_scratch
*** Fast scratch tree: /mtt_scratch
*** Reporter initializing
>> Initializing reporter module: TextFile
>> Initializing reporter module: Email
*** Reporter initialized
*** MPI Get phase starting
>> MPI Get: [mpi get: ompi-nightly-trunk]
   Checking for new MPI sources...
   No new MPI sources (use --force to re-download): Snapshot tarball has
  not changed (did not re-download)
>> MPI Get: [mpi get: ompi-nightly-v1.2]
   Checking for new MPI sources...
*** WARNING: No module defined for MPI Get [mpi get: ompi-nightly-v1.2];
>> MPI Get: [mpi get: ompi-nightly-v1.1]
   Checking for new MPI sources...
*** WARNING: No module defined for MPI Get [mpi get: ompi-nightly-v1.1];
*** MPI Get phase complete
*** MPI Install phase starting
>> MPI Install [mpi install: gcc warnings]
   Already have an install for [ompi-nightly-trunk] / [v1.8.8-1-g2ecd286] /
  [gcc warnings] (use --force to re-install)
*** MPI Install phase complete
*** Test Get phase starting
>> Test Get: [test get: ibm]
   Checking for new test sources...
*** WARNING: SVN failure: svn: OPTIONS of
    'https://svn.open-mpi.org/svn/ompi-tests/trunk/ibm': Could not resolve
    hostname `bogus': Host not found (https://svn.open-mpi.org)
   Failed to get new test sources: Failed to checkout
>> Test Get: [test get: onesided]
   Checking for new test sources...
*** WARNING: SVN failure: svn: OPTIONS of
    'https://svn.open-mpi.org/svn/ompi-tests/trunk/onesided': Could not
    resolve hostname `bogus': Host not found (https://svn.open-mpi.org)
   Failed to get new test sources: Failed to checkout
>> Test Get: [test get: mpicxx]
   Checking for new test sources...
*** WARNING: SVN failure: svn: OPTIONS of
    'https://svn.open-mpi.org/svn/ompi-tests/trunk/cxx-test-suite': Could
    not resolve hostname `bogus': Host not found (https://svn.open-mpi.org)
   Failed to get new test sources: Failed to checkout
>> Test Get: [test get: imb]
   Checking for new test sources...
*** WARNING: SVN failure: svn: OPTIONS of
    'https://svn.open-mpi.org/svn/ompi-tests/trunk/IMB_3.1': Could not
    resolve hostname `bogus': Host not found (https://svn.open-mpi.org)
   Failed to get new test sources: Failed to checkout
>> Test Get: [test get: netpipe]
   Checking for new test sources...
*** WARNING: SVN failure: svn: OPTIONS of
    'https://svn.open-mpi.org/svn/ompi-tests/trunk/NetPIPE_3.7.1': Could
    not resolve hostname `bogus': Host not found (https://svn.open-mpi.org)
   Failed to get new test sources: Failed to checkout
>> Test Get: [test get: nbcbench]
   Checking for new test sources...
*** WARNING: SVN failure: svn: OPTIONS of
    'https://svn.open-mpi.org/svn/ompi-tests/trunk/nbcbench': Could not
    resolve hostname `bogus': Host not found (https://svn.open-mpi.org)
   Failed to get new test sources: Failed to checkout
*** Test Get phase complete
*** Test Build phase starting
>> Test Build [test build: ibm]
>> Test Build [test build: onesided]
>> Test Build [test build: mpicxx]
>> Test Build [test build: imb]
>> Test Build [test build: netpipe]
>> Test Build [test build: nbcbench]
*** Test Build phase complete
*** Test Run phase starting
>> Test Run [ibm]
>> Test Run [onesided]
>> Test Run [mpicxx]
>> Test Run [imb correctness]
>> Test Run [imb performance]
>> Test Run [netpipe]
>> Test Run [nbcbench]
*** Run test phase complete
*** Reporter finalizing
*** Reporter finalized
[root@core96cn1 mtt]#

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