On Thu, Jun 17, 2010 at 2:44 PM, Darren Duncan <dar...@darrenduncan.net>wrote:

> I wanted to let you know that I plan ASAP to enhance the PTMD_STD (normal)
> dialect of Muldis D to be more friendly to people who like programming
> languages
> without sigils, so further towards Python/C/SQL/etc and from Perl/etc.

what motivated this decision? did  a lot of people make this request of you?

> Specifically, I'm going to make the "data sigil" ("$") lexical element
> optional,

typically when language elements are optional it enhances readability:

my %val = (a => 1, b => 2); # no quotes needed for 'a' and 'b'

> but still enforcing consistency such that within the scope of a single code
> file
> you must either use or not use the "data sigil" everywhere; no
> mix-and-match,

I dont really like this idea of trying to have two different syntaxes like
that for a single dialect, even if you can change it with a config option
such as you have showed.

>  Mainly I included the "$"
> everywhere I did because *I* think it makes the code more readable, quickly
> identifying at a glance what is a variable/etc versus what isn't.

right, so since it makes it more readable, who/what suggested otherwise?

> At the bottom of the page http://muldis.com/Muldis_D.html is a "hello
> world"
> program in its original form that uses data sigils;

To me, $ implies 'var' so why not just:

$name : Text
$addr : Text

> here is the primary part of
> the same program without the $s; it is identical but no $ characters:
>    procedure main () [
>        # This is the program's main procedure. #
>        write_Text_line( 'Hello!' )
>        var people : Relation
>        { people := Relation:{ name, addr } }

it seems overly verbose to have two lines for this... could you not have

var people : Relation:{name, addr } }

>        var name : Text
>        var addr : Text
>        var msg : Text
>        write_Text_line( 'First add some info.  Enter blank line when done.'
> )
>        |gather_person ::= loop [
>            # Gathers person info from user. #
>            prompt_Text_line( &name, 'Enter a person\as name: ' )
>            given name when '' leave |gather_person
>            prompt_Text_line( &addr, 'Enter that person\as address: ' )
>            given addr when '' leave |gather_person
>            # Adds a person to our db of people. #
>            assign_insertion( &people, Tuple:{ >name, >addr } )
>        ]
>        write_Text_line( 'Now search for info.  Enter blank line when done.'
> )
>        |lookup_person ::= loop [
>            prompt_Text_line( &name, 'Enter a name to search for: ' )
>            given name when '' leave |lookup_person
>            {
>                # Look up person by name, get their address. #
>                matched_people ::= people matching Relation:{ { >name } }

This ">" sign confuses me (of course I havent read the spec), but I
immediately think of greater-than name without knowing more about this

>                msg := given r# matched_people
>                    when 0 then 'No person matched'
>                    when 1 then 'Found address for that person is: '
>                        ~ (t matched_people).addr
>                    default 'More than one person matched'
>            }
>            write_Text_line( msg )
>        ]
>        write_Text_line( 'Goodbye!' )
>    ]
> A code file without sigils would have a language declaration like this:
>    Muldis_D:"http://muldis.com":0.130.0:PTMD_STD:{
>        catalog_abstraction_level => rtn_inv_alt_syn,
>        op_char_repertoire => basic,
>        uses_data_sigil => False
>    }
> ... while one using sigils would say "True" instead of "False".  Specifying
> that
> pragma name and value is mandatory, since there is no reasonable default
> answer.
> Now, I figure that this change should have almost no impact on how easy it
> is to
> parse Muldis D code, and in fact I'd probably just have to change not more
> than
> a half-dozen lines in the grammar definition to provide the option.
> The main downside I see of not requiring the $ is that there is more risk
> of
> conflict between language keywords and variable/etc names used as
> barewords,
> since user entities may be named anything at all; however, since all entity
> names can be delimited with double-quotes (like in SQL), users can quote
> any
> otherwise-bareword names to clarify that they are not keywords, in the
> appropriate circumstances; so `foo`, `$foo`, `"foo"`, `$"foo"` all refer to
> the
> variable/etc named "foo".

that spells confusion if you ask me.

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