
I am pleased to announce that version 0.132.0 of the specification of the Muldis
D language, for object-relational databases, has been released on CPAN.

There is just 1 main change since version 0.131.0, which is updates to how the
PTMD_STD dialect does character escape sequences.

The old design ensured that a delimited string never contained literal
occurrences of the delimiter character, and used some other character in its
escape sequence; for example, single-quotes and backslashes were escaped as "\a"
(apostrophe) and "\b".

The new design instead escapes such characters using themselves, like "\'" and
"\\", which is the same as most other typical languages, and so code using the
new version should be easier for a person to understand at a glance.

Another reason for the change is that the old design would give some people the
false impression that PTMD_STD can't be single-pass parsed.

Old way:

  'Enter a person\as name: '

New way:

  'Enter a person\'s name: '

In total, there are 4 different string delimiter chars, for 4 different
purposes: [',",`,#]; the first 2 are for Text and Name literals, respectively,
and the last 2 are for Comments.

I may consider further changes to matters of character escaping.

Good day. -- Darren Duncan

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