
I am pleased to announce that version 0.134.0 of the specification of the Muldis
D language, for object-relational databases, has been released on CPAN.

This release features one primary change, in the PTMD_STD syntax: Updated the formats of numeric and blob literals, and of character escape sequences that spell Unicode codepoints, so that it is easier to write numbers in a radix other than 10. Still unchanged is that you can write numbers either in a general form of "M;NNN" for bases 2..35 or in just base-10 as "NNN". Now, the general form adds aliases for the common bases of 2,8,10,16 such that the "M" may alternately be spelled "b","o","d","x". For bases 2,8,16 this new form is now the recommended one. PTMD_STD Int example: "o;5703"; Blob example: "b;'110010010'"; Text example: "'\c<x;2A1D>'".

Also released is version 0.8.0 of the Muldis D Manual, which reflects changes to Muldis D introduced in the spec versions 0.131.0-0.134.0.

(It may take another 1.5 hours from this writing before the above url reflects the update.)

There are no other language changes planned in the short term; any that come will likely be reactions to external concerns.

On a tangent, through my influence the Perl 6 language spec has finally been updated to specify what Perl 6 Blob literals look like.

Here are the relevant additions:

Blob literals look similar to integer literals with radix markers, but use curlies instead of angles:
    :2{0010_1110_1000_10}   a blob1, base 2, 1 bit per column
    :4{}                    a blob2, 2 bits per column
    :8{5235 0437 6}         a blob3, 3 bits per column
    :16{A705E}              a blob4, 4 bits per column
  Whitespace and underscores are allowed but ignored.

This Perl 6 update is reflected in version 0.134.0 of my HDMD_Perl6_STD.pod, which previously used a cludgy unspecced stand-in format for code examples.

Good day. -- Darren Duncan

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