As I am now actively moving to implement Muldis D, I have created 3 new Git repositories which have public mirrors on GitHub.

See for all my stuff on GitHub.

The 3 new repositories are:

    Muldis D Standard Libraries, Self-Hosted Compilers, and Test Suite

    Muldis::D::RefEng - Reference Implementation of Muldis D Over Perl 5

    Muldis::D::Perl5 - Standards For Implementing Muldis D Over Perl 5

These repositories are currently all empty but for a terse README file, but will gain more real content soon, mostly #1 to start and then #2.

Out of the above, #1 and #2 are executable code and #3 is just documentation.

Muldis-D-Standard is the main home for core language code written in Muldis D, and is intended to have code/data resources that all Muldis D implementations can use, but this code will need some external code to bootstrap it.

Muldis-D-Ref-Perl5 provides the Perl 5 code to bootstrap Muldis-D-Standard using Perl 5, and the former is what would actually be distributed as a ready-to-use programming language implementation (bundling a snapshot of the latter), that you can build and install and run. This would support both standalone use for pure Muldis D applications as well as use as a Perl DBI alike module for using Muldis D code in otherwise Perl applications.

Muldis-D-Perl5 provides more specification or API docs for any tool written in Perl 5 that implements or uses Muldis D, such as an API spec analagous to the Perl DBI module.

Or that's what they will have.

So with this announcement, you now have places you can watch for code.

I don't intend to make announcements too frequently, probably not more than once per 1-2 months, depending on when there have been significant improvements or you can run something.

-- Darren Duncan
muldis-db-users mailing list

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