So after 5 years I made a significant release of my Perl module Set::Relation, which was an early proof of concept for some major Muldis D language features.

See for that.

The functionality is the same as before, rather what changed is its weight.

Previously, Set::Relation had some rather heavy dependencies, particularly the Perl OO framework Moose, which I have now excised.

Now, to use Set::Relation, you basically just need the core Perl, and you don't need to have any other third party Perl modules (except List::MoreUtils, which itself only depends on core Perl).

Moreover, to use it you only need a single file, so installation is quite simple, even in a restricted environment without easy CPAN access.

More details are at the above url.

Note that all of the work going into today's release just took me today to do.

As to my actual implementation of the Muldis D language as a language, as the Muldis::D::RefEng Perl module initially, I'll have that out as soon as I can, later.

-- Darren Duncan
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