Do you have a customer/user?

I have always found it extraordinarily difficult to write software for other 
people to use unless I can find some. Turns out I'm not a typical user. :-)

David M Bennett FACS

-----Original Message-----
From: Darren Duncan [] 
Sent: Sunday, 25 January 2015 1:35 PM
Subject: [TTM] status in 2015 of Muldis database projects

On 2015 Jan 1 I had announced here that I had updated my Perl module 
Set::Relation to reduce is dependency load without cutting functionality.

Now on 2015 Jan 24 I will briefly update you on the status of the more central 
project, the Muldis D language itself.

For the last few years I had been doing a lot of brainstorming and note-taking 
and made a lot of improvements to the design of the Muldis D language and its 
ecosystem, a lot of this being put unorganized in a TODO_DRAFT file on Github 
and a lot not making it online myself; that was more to help me remember.

Starting a couple years ago I switched to an implementation-driven process 
which saw a few periods of movement and also long periods of none, as I was 
quite busy with some other concerns.

So in 2015 ...

For various reasons, I am now making an explicit push to actually get things 
implemented, where I try and spend an hour each day on something tangible.

I feel that with continued focus, people should be able to execute Muldis D 
code within maybe 2 months of now, a milestone, and things can then snowball.


The first "for real" implementation is or the "Muldis D Reference 
Engine", in terms of the public-facing Perl 5 module Muldis::D::RefEng (not yet 
released on CPAN).

This has a few main components:

1. Low_Level, which is a Perl library corresponding directly to the 
Muldis_D::Low_Level system-defined package.  That package defines the standard 
foundation of types and routines which is easily implementable in or mappable 
to typical general purpose languages, Perl or otherwise.  The rest of the 
higher level Muldis_D system-defined package, say 90% of the built-ins that 
user code can invoke, would be written in Muldis D itself and can be reused, 
while just the Low_Level part is expected to be rewritten from Perl for each 
implementation langauge.  This is the primary extent of the bootstrapping.  The 
9 mutually disjoint low-level types are: Boolean, Integer, Array, String, Bag, 
(named) Tuple, Capsule, Identifier, External.  Almost all other types one is 
likely to see in Muldis D would be subtypes of Capsule, which corresponds to 
the concept of generic objects each belonging to a named class, making it easy 
to partition types from each other in the face of polymorphism.  In !
 contrast, Tuple is analogous to a classless object; or put another way, a 
Capsule is a tagged Tuple.  The most complicated type implementation-wise by 
far is Bag, which is the homogenous collection type over which Set and Relation 
are defined; the complexity relates to all the infrastructure related to 
element indexing and identity/sameness determination involved.  Low_Level also 
does some functionality related to memory management.  A Perl ::Value object is 
used to represent each Muldis D value regardless of type, and is 

2. Plain_Text implements the Muldis D Plain Text (MDPT) parser, which takes 
Muldis D Plain Text source code, typically in .mdpt text files (as per .pl or 
.java or .sql etc files), and maps it into Muldis D's homoiconic native 
representation.  The latter is analogous to the "information schema" of SQL but 
that all routine and type definitions are completely broken down, analogous to 
an abstract syntax tree that also remembers most concrete syntax details as 
metadata, for lossless round-tripping of all the details users would consider 
important, including in translation to other languages.  The internal 
representation is composed of a tree of types/::Value provided by Low_Level, 
typically Capsule subtypes corresponding to different types of expression/etc 
nodes.  (Due to how Muldis D works, we don't actually have to declare a higher 
level type to use it, as higher level types are just constraints on or unions 
of the Low_Level ones, so we can use all the AST types without them !
 having to be "declared" first, so Low_Level is kept simple.)  This parser is 
procedural and stream-oriented, so it works with very little RAM no matter how 
big the source file is, particularly important for those that are database 

3. A compiler component will take the homoiconic native Muldis D code and 
generate equivalent Perl 5 code from it.  Generally there is a 1:1 
correspondence between each Muldis D routine and a generated Perl 5 routine, as 
well as between a Muldis D package and a Perl 5 package.  The generated Perl 5 
code will include calls to any other glue code provided by RefEng so that it 
has the desired runtime semantics such as the dispatch mechanism.  It is 
expected in practice that the "compiled" (Perl 5 source) modules will then be 
cached, at least in memory but often also in the filesystem, as Perl 5 
packages, maybe under the Muldis::D::RefEng::Compiled::* namespace, so that as 
long as further data-definition activities aren't happening, runtime 
performance will be more reasonable due to avoiding unnecessary repeated work.

4. A runtime and/or memory component will implement a virtual machine 
supporting multiple concurrent processes and transactional memory.  (The 
multi-process model is virtual, and all exists within a single actual Perl 
process.)  Each process would correspond to either a "database connection" or 
an "autonomous transaction" or other things in SQL DBMSs or other programming 
languages.  This would provide the main event loop(s) in which all the regular 
compiling and runtime activities happen.  Shared access between processes to 
possibly-common resources such as "databases" is managed here, processes can 
start and end others, and they can communicate using message passing.

5. Fundamentally Muldis::D::RefEng is an embeddable library, but a binary 
"muldisdre" would be included that wraps it.  One can treat that binary in 
exactly the same manner as one treats "perl" or "python" or whatever to run 
Muldis D Plain Text source files, they don't even have to know it is written in 
Perl.  This is part of a model of portability between Muldis::D::RefEng and say 
ports written in NQP or Python or Ruby or C or Go or Haskell or whatever, users 
can just run it without knowing what its written in.  Another precedent for 
this is Perl 6 and its user-interchangeable Rakudo backends, MoarVM, JVM, and 

6. A wrapper/SDK for Muldis::D::RefEng, or more likely that would be the Perl 5 
package name of the wrapper, would be invokable from a general Perl 5 program 
in the same way that DBI et al are.  It would implement API-level input 
checking from user code as well as provide Perl users a second way to write 
Muldis D code, which is as nested Perl data structures analogous to what 
various Perl ORMs or abstractions take, so in that context Perl programs don't 
have to generate string form (Plain Text) Muldis D at all.  It would be 
particularly suited for a backend of DBIx::Class or the like, where they can 
just map Perl data structures and no messy details of string serialization is 
involved like with DBI+SQL today.

For status, the above RefEng 6 components are all loosely designed, and:

1. Component 1 / Low_Level is about 40-80% coded depending how you measure it, 
and the working proof-of-concept Set::Relation Perl module will have a lot of 
its guts adapted to flesh this out more.

2. Component 2 / PlainText is about 10% coded, currently under file names like 

3. Component 3 / the compiler is pending under RefEng but some precursors were 
released incomplete on CPAN years ago in the form of modules like "Rosetta" et 
al, those having generated a mixture of Perl and SQL.  Likewise for component 6 
/ the SDK for embedding in Perl.  Components 4 and 5 don't have enough written 
yet to commit.


Besides Muldis::D::RefEng, also on GitHub is which is the repository for the 
self-hosted portion of Muldis D, intended to house the 90% of the system 
library code written in Muldis D itself, as well as the standard test suite for 
implementations, and example code, and so on.  This would be commonly shared by 
Muldis::D::RefEng and any other implementations.  Currently this is maybe 1-5% 
written depending on how you measure it.  A precedent being that a majority of 
the Perl 6 standard library is written in Perl 6, that having its own shared 

Note that while Muldis::D::RefEng releases outside GitHub conceptually bundle 
Muldis-D-Standard, what it will actually ship to CPAN with is 
pre-compiled-as-Perl versions of the standard library, so Perl users can just 
install that Perl module and go.  A loose analogy is that the DBD::SQLite Perl 
module ships to CPAN with the sqlite.h and sqlite.c but the latter don't 
canonically live in the former's version control.


Finally, I have started rewriting/revising the Muldis D language specification, 
at and started making periodic CPAN releases 
(where it is formatted) at for the first 
time since 2011.  This rewrite both considerably simplifies the spec and 
incorporates my last few years of brainstorming.  In particular this is also 
partially implementation-driven and kept in sync with RefEng developments.

I jumped the spec version ahead to 0.200, from 0.148.  The root file Muldis::D 
was brought up to date and most of the other files were renamed into
Muldis::D::Outdated::* to more clearly indicate their status; over time 
replacements for the latter will appear under typically new
Muldis::D::* names.

One of the more significant changes is that the new version will have concrete 
Muldis D Plain Text code examples, that is actual source code examples, 
throughout it just like typical programming language documentation.  Learning 
by example is generally what users want and is more effective.  Previously 
almost all the files had no code examples and just described things.  At the 
time a reason for this was partly that I was trying to de-emphasize the plain 
text syntax as just 1 of a variety of forms, unlike now where it is the 
canonical form, and another reason is that originally I had conceived the 
features long before actually figuring out the syntax, unlike now.


So my current plan is to co-develop Muldis::D::RefEng and the spec up until the 
point that a reasonable starter subset of the language works, and then release 
RefEng to CPAN for the first time.

It is expected that the first release will be just enough that you can invoke 
"muldisdre" and compile/run a hello world program as well as do some basic math 
or string operations, as well a relational operation (probably relational 
join), basically something that differentiates it from all the other general 
purpose languages.  The goalpost may be moved for the first release, but it 
should have a substantially complete RefEng infrastructure in place, the 
ability to parse and run at least the simplest Muldis D programs.

This will maybe come out by the end of March if I'm lucky.

After that, subsequent releases would be mainly about implementing more system 
types and routines, adding examples and tests.  This includes a lot of 
Low_Level routines needed for a normal language but not for a "get something 
release.  Then other projects in the ecosystem such as ports to other languages 
or other / eg SQL backends.

Until then or afterwards, you can follow some of my progress on Github.

Thank you again for your interest and I'm sorry for taking so long to get to an 

-- Darren Duncan

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