
New Message on MumbaiUserGroup

From: Varad_RS
Message 1 in Discussion

  HI, I have some query..   1. The application we are developping has a requirement..  
 We need to set the focus to a Hyperlink when the page loads.   The page has a text 
box and a Named Search link. When a user hits this page the default focus has to set 
on the Hyperlink.   I need to do this in pure HTML or Javascript. No aspx.   2. I need 
to load a HTML page without Toolbar and menu bar. This has to be done without using 
Window.Open.   Our application will be invoked from a different web application, once 
a user clicks on the link to our application we need to open our application in a new 
browser without MenuBar and ToolBar. This has to be done in the default page of our 
application not in the page which invokes.    Any solution???   This is very 
urgent...Please help.   Thanks, Varad.


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