PCSC, (but I don't think it is in PCSC-lite), has the capability
to make connections over the network. The Microsoft Remote Desktop
Connection knows how share smart card readers along with disks,
printers and serial ports I think hte RDC is using PCSC. Useful for
smart card login.

So rather then writing it from scratch, the question could be what
would it take to get PCSC-lite to support network connections,
and what would it take to get the Linux Terminal Server Client
to use this.

Thus there would be nothing to do in the Windows side as it
already done.

Peter Koch wrote:
Dear MUSCLE mailing list:

This is a windows related questing, so I should not ask it on
the MUSCLE list. But maybe you can help or know a better place
where to ask this.

I would like to write a driver for a (virtual) card reader that will
talk to a (real) card reader on a remote system. I'm trying to do
this OS-independent. So it should be possible to connect to a
card reader on a Windows-system from a unix system and

So far I'm almost finished with an ifd_handler for pcsclite and a
server-programm that has to run on the machine where the
real card reader is located. I do know (at least in theory) how
to write the server-programm such that it can be compiled
under both unix and windows.

But how do I write an ifd_handler under windows?

I just got the Microsoft DDK from a friend. Do I have to write a
WDM-driver (which would be a real pain for a unix-focussed person
like me)? Or do I mistake writing a Windows-Driver with writing an
IFD-Handler? I was hoping that writing an IFD_handler would be
comparable to writing a GINA-dll or a PKCS#11-dll (which I have
done in the past - without the need to use the DDK). But I cannot
find any documentation about  the "Windows Smart Card Reader
IFD-Handler API".

Where can I find some sample source?

What do you think about all this? All hints or comments are
greatly appreciated.

Peter Koch
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