Hi Albert,

On a Sun Ray terminal connected to a Sun Fire Server (SPARC version),
we've found that neither internal smart card reader nor an external usb
ccid one[1] are listed when using smart card apps (like opensc-tool or

Yes, that's correct.

On Sun server we've installed Solaris 10, Companion (freeware) CD and
Sun Studio 11.


Also we have installed PC/SC SRCOM Bypass 2.0 Revenue Release[2] from
Sun, but we do not know if it is better to build last version of
pcsc-lite as it is said on this guide[3]. We also have tried to build
these libraries with the same result.

Well, the PC/SC SRCOM Bypass is officially supported by Sun, so if
that's important to you, then you should use that.

We've added Sun Ray and Solaris Trusted Extension support to PC/SC-lite
and we plan on giving back our changes to the community by the end of
March so that everyone can have a look at them, and we can start the
process of discussing integrating our changes into the main branch.

Does anyone know what are we doing wrong?

You're not doing anything wrong, we just don't have Sun Ray support
in PC/SC-lite yet.

We have noticed that when we insert a smart card on internal smart card
reader a light blinks and Sun Ray tries to logon with the inserted smart
card (as smart card is not configured, process fails),

When you insert a card, and you don't have any middleware configured
(such as MUSCLE, ActiveIdentity, etc...) then the Sun Ray will just
use the card as a token to locate your Sun Ray session. If you have a
look in: /etc/opt/SUNWut/smartcard you'll see a list of smartcard config
files that the Sun Ray server uses to try to identify the card type
and then to try to extract a unique ID from the card. Most of this is
card family and card/applet specific, so there is no one general scheme
that the Sun Ray uses, each smartcard config file has it's own set of
rules and heuristics to try to figure out what type of card is in the
reader and how to extract a unique ID from the card.

When you insert your card, do you get a screen that prompts you for a
username (such as a screen that looks like dtlogin) or do you get a
funny little icon in the middle of that screen?

> but when we connect an external usb ccid smart card reader nothing
> happens and it is not recognized either Sun Ray or server.

That's correct, there is nothing that is listening to the USB ports
on Sun Ray to be able to detect a USB smartcard reader has been
inserted. Our PC/SC-lite changes will also allow the USB CCID IFD
handler to work correctly with CCID readers attached to Sun Ray USB

However, as an old mail sent to this list[4], it is said that it
> should be possible to use it.

The exact paragraph is:
Is it possible to use the Sun Ray internal reader for session mobility
and also connect an external smart card reader (say a CCID one) to use
a smart card application like a PKCS#11 in Mozilla?


Yep, that was me saying that ;-).

Do you know the way to do it?

You can wait for our changes. You can also try dseven's work to see if
that will allow you to make some progress while you're waiting.

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