
Ok I understand, but that confuses me a little, on my cards it says:

and I have googled and i've been findind that no applet can be loaded to payflex card, and I did load the SolarisAuthApplet into this card. am I getting confused or this is really a payflex card?

No, you're not confused, we (Sun) confused you. In the Solaris Smartcard
GUI (and the "smartcard" CLI) there is the notion of being able to "load"
an applet into a Payflex card. The Payflex family are fixed-function cards
designed for e-commerce/banking primarily, and are not able to have any
applications or applets downloaded into them. They have a very small memory
footprint - from 512 bytes to 8K bytes - and no mechanism to have their
functionality changed. We decided to make the user experience with both
Payflex family cards and JavaCard cards the same, and so we presented the
concept of "loading an applet" even to a non JavaCard card. Sorry about
that, it was way back in 1998 when loading applets into cards was the
cat's pajamas and we wanted to get on the bandwagon I guess. I was the
person responsible for the "load an applet into a Payflex card" concept.

The whole Solaris Smartcard Framework that you're playing with is obsolete
(and has been for a number of years). Our general direction to customers
has been to install some third-party middleware and use our low-level
PC/SC-lite like libraries, or to port or write their own middleware.
This is changing, however, as we have just released our first port of
the PC/SC-lite framework, based on the MUSCLE/opensource work. We'll
be giving back all our code to the community in the next few months so
that everyone can have a look at what we've done.

Our major changes are:

    - make PC/SC-lite work on a multi-user system, with security
      and isolated datapaths between users

    - support of Sun Ray, our thin client

    - support of our Trusted Extensions feature:

    - integrate PC/SC-lite with SMF

    - fix CCID USB IFD handler bugs to make it work reliably in a
      Sun Ray environment and in a multi-user environment

We're all excited about this work, and excited to share it with the

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