
2014-04-16 22:03 GMT+02:00 Nicholas Twerdochlib <nicho...@nikom.net>:
> I am interested in why the libccid driver does not support returning certain
> attribute information.  In looking through various documentation and the
> source code, I have not run across anything with regards to attribute
> information and how the ccid driver supports it.  One example:
> SCARD_ATTR_MAX_IFSD.  This value is part of the _ccid_descriptor structure,
> so is there a design reason that would prevent IFDHGetCapablities() from
> handling that Tag?  Mostly concerned I am missing a part of the design.

It is not a design problem. You can add support for any SCARD_ATTR_*
you want in the CCID driver.
It is just that the code to support SCARD_ATTR_MAX_IFSD is not (yet) present.

Have a look at the IFDHGetCapabilities() function in ccid/src/ifdhandler.c
Feel free to propose a patch.

> I am working on the FreeRDP project, assisting with improving SC support
> under Linux/OsX

Good idea.


 Dr. Ludovic Rousseau

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