Hello Shashank,

I'm interested in this stuff too, but I'm no expert. I've tried to give some pointers below. Hopefully someone else will correct me if I've made an error:

On 17/11/2012 8:24 PM, Shashank Kumar (shanxS) wrote:
I am a self taught Linux fanatic who is trying to teach himself Sound

I have basic idea of signal processing.
My aim is to develop an intuition by which I can design a 2nd order
IIR audio filter given a 3dB bandwidth and a center frequency.

I am not following any specific book/text.

You might find these resources helpful:

A. RBJ's EQ cookbook has equations for the filter you want:


I believe that Robert derives the digital filter from the analog butterworth transfer function. This is the method where you start with an s-plane prototype and then apply the bilinear transform to get a z-plane form. You pre-warp the important frequencies (cutoff, bandwidth) in the s-plane so they end up in the right place in the z-plane after warping.

I too have struggled with the mathematics behind the coefficient calculations. For me it comes down to understanding the derivation of the s-plane prototypes. I never studied laplace transform or much other continuous-domain maths. I think that would help and I should look at this again.

My impression is that the usual intuition develops out of the analog methods of filter bandwidth calculation, thus you need to understand these things:
- laplace transform
- mathematical foundations of the butterworth filter in the analog domain
- bilinear transform + pre-warping method to z-plane I mentioned above.

B. Robert also wrote a paper that surveys the different coefficient calculation methods, you might find that helpful in understanding the relation between coefficient computation methods. I haven't looked at it for a while, probably it addresses some of the issues I mention above:

"The Equivalence of Various Methods of Computing
Biquad Coefficients for Audio Parametric Equalizers":

C. Jon Dattoro's "Implementation of Recursive Digital Filters
for High-Fidelity Audio" examines implementation structures suitable for digital audio. I think that will help you with your second question about the implementation of the filter itself:

+ Errata: https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~dattorro/CorrectionsHiFi.pdf

Hopefully someone can correct me if I'm leading you astray...


I understand as to where should I keep my zeros and poles in Z plane
so as to boost/attenuate a particular frequency.
But I am having 2 problems:
1. I can't control the bandwidth
2. The output there is some kind of aliasing in output sound. My
results for a basic LPF is on my blog (with sound o/p and freq
analysis): http://trystwithdsp.wordpress.com/2012/11/07/basic-lpf/

I know my filter sucks and I am stuck.

Can someone please give me a pointer regarding how should I improve my filters ?

Thanks a ton.

skype: shanx.shashank
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