looks like i came here late. someone tell me what it was about. admittedly, i didn't completely understand from a cursory reading.

the only difference between the two BPFs in the cookbook is that of a constant gain factor. in one the peak of the BPF is always at zero dB. in the other, if you were to project the asymptotes of the "skirt" of the freq response (you know, the +6 dB/oct line and the -6 dB/oct line), they will intersect at the point that is 0 dB and at the resonant frequency. otherwise same shape, same filter.

the peaking EQ is a BPF with gain A^2 - 1 with the output added to a wire. and, only on the peaking EQ, the definition of Q is fudged so that it continues to be related to BW in the same manner and so the cut response exactly undoes a boost response for the same dB, same f0, same Q. nothing more to it than that. no Orfanidis subtlety.

if the resonant frequency is much less than Nyquist, then there is even symmetry of magnitude about f0 (on a log(f) scale) for BPF, notch, APF, and peaking EQ. for the two shelves, it's odd symmetry about f0 (if you adjust for half of the dB shelf gain). the only difference between the high shelf and low shelf is a gain constant and flipping the rest of the transfer function upside down. this is the case no matter what the dB boost is or the Q (or "S"). if f0 approaches Fs/2, then that even or odd symmetry gets warped from the BLT and ain't so symmetrical anymore.

nothing else comes to mind.


r b-j                  r...@audioimagination.com

"Imagination is more important than knowledge."

On 1/4/13 11:23 AM, Nigel Redmon wrote:

On Jan 4, 2013, at 2:40 AM, Thomas Young<thomas.yo...@rebellion.co.uk>  wrote:

Aha, success! Multiplying denominator coefficients of the peaking filter by A^2 
does indeed have the desired effect.

Thank you very much for the help

-----Original Message-----
From: music-dsp-boun...@music.columbia.edu 
[mailto:music-dsp-boun...@music.columbia.edu] On Behalf Of Thomas Young
Sent: 04 January 2013 10:33
To: A discussion list for music-related DSP
Subject: Re: [music-dsp] Lerping Biquad coefficients to a flat response

Hi Nigel, which analogue prototype are you referring to when you suggest 
multiplying denominator coefficients by the gain factor, the peaking one?

-----Original Message-----
From: music-dsp-boun...@music.columbia.edu 
[mailto:music-dsp-boun...@music.columbia.edu] On Behalf Of Nigel Redmon
Sent: 04 January 2013 09:26
To: A discussion list for music-related DSP
Subject: Re: [music-dsp] Lerping Biquad coefficients to a flat response

On 4/01/2013 4:34 AM, Thomas Young wrote:
However I was hoping to avoid scaling the output since if I have to
do that then I might as well just change the wet/dry mix with the
original signal for essentially the same effect and less messing
I read quickly this morning and missed this...with something like a lowpass, 
you do get irregularities, but with something like a peaking filter it stays 
pretty smooth when summing with the original signal (I guess because the phase 
change is smoother, with the second order split up between two halves). So that 
part isn't a problem, BUT...

Consider a wet/dry mix...say you have a 6 dB peak that you want to move down to 
0 dB (skirts down to -6 dB). OK, at 0% wet you have a flat line at 0 dB. At 
100% wet you have your 6 dB peak again (skirt at 0 dB). At 50% wet, you have 
about a 3 dB peak, skirt still at 0 dB. There is no setting that will give you 
anything but the skit at 0 dB.

Again, as Ross said earlier, you could have just an output gain-set it to 0.5 
(-6 dB), and now you have your skirt at - 6 dB, peak at 0 dB. But a wet/dry mix 
know is not going to do it.

Ross said:
There is only a difference of scale factors between your constraints and the 
RBJ peaking filter constraints so you should be able to use them with minor 
modifications (as Nigel suggests, although I didn't take the time to review his 

Assuming that you want the gain at DC and nyquist to be equal to your stopband 
gain then this is pretty much equivalent to the RBJ coefficient formulas except 
that Robert computed them under the requirement of unity gain at DC and 
Nyquist, and some specified gain at cf. You want unity gain at cf and specified 
gain at DC and Nyquist. This seems to me to just be a direct reinterpretation 
of the gain values. You should be able to propagate the needed gain values 
through Robert's formulas.
Actually, it's more than a reinterpretation of the gain values (note that no matter what 
gain you give it, you won't get anything like what Thomas is after). The poles are 
peaking the filter and the zeros are holding down the "shirt" (at 0 dB in the 
unmodified filter); obviously the transfer function is arranged to keep that relationship 
at any gain setting. So, you need to change it so that the gain is controlling something 
else-changing the relationship of the motion between the poles and zeros (the mod I gave 
does that).

On Jan 3, 2013, at 10:34 PM, Ross Bencina<rossb-li...@audiomulch.com>  wrote:

Hi Thomas,

Replying to both of your messages at once...

On 4/01/2013 4:34 AM, Thomas Young wrote:
However I was hoping to avoid scaling the output since if I have to
do that then I might as well just change the wet/dry mix with the
original signal for essentially the same effect and less messing
Someone else might correct me on this, but I'm not sure that will get you the 
same effect. Your proposal seems to be based on the assumption that the filter 
is phase linear and 0 delay (ie that the phases all line up between input and 
filtered version). That's not the case.

In reality you'd be mixing the phase-warped and delayed (filtered) signal with 
the original-phase signal. I couldn't tell you what the frequency response 
would look like, but probably not as good as just scaling the peaking filter 

On 4/01/2013 6:03 AM, Thomas Young wrote:
Additional optional mumblings:

I think really there are two 'correct' solutions to manipulating
only the coefficients to my ends (that is, generation of
coefficients which produce filters interpolating from bandpass to flat):

The first is to go from pole/zero to transfer function, basically as
you (Nigel) described in your first message - stick the zeros in the
centre, poles near the edge of the unit circle and reduce their
- doing the maths to convert these into the appropriate biquad
coefficients. This isn't really feasible for me to do in realtime
though. I was trying to do a sort of tricksy workaround by lerping
from one set of coefficients to another but on reflection I don't
think there is any mathematical correctness there.

The second is to have an analogue prototype which somehow includes
skirt gain and take the bilinear transform to get the equations for
the coefficients. I'm not really very good with the s domain either
so I actually wouldn't know how to go about this, but it's what I
was originally thinking of.
In the end you're going to have a set of constraints on the frequency response and you 
need to solve for the coefficients. You can do that in the s domain and BLT or do it 
directly in the z domain. See the "stuck with filter design" thread from 
November 17, 2012 for a nice discussion and links to background reading.

There is only a difference of scale factors between your constraints and the 
RBJ peaking filter constraints so you should be able to use them with minor 
modifications (as Nigel suggests, although I didn't take the time to review his 

Assuming that you want the gain at DC and nyquist to be equal to your stopband 
gain then this is pretty much equivalent to the RBJ coefficient formulas except 
that Robert computed them under the requirement of unity gain at DC and 
Nyquist, and some specified gain at cf. You want unity gain at cf and specified 
gain at DC and Nyquist. This seems to me to just be a direct reinterpretation 
of the gain values. You should be able to propagate the needed gain values 
through Robert's formulas.



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