"3.2 Multistage
3.2.1 Can I interpolate in multiple stages?

    Yes, so long as the interpolation ratio, L, is not a prime number.
For example, to interpolate by a factor of 15, you could interpolate
by 3 then interpolate by 5. The more factors L has, the more choices
you have. For example you could interpolate by 16 in:

        - one stage: 16
        - two stages: 4 and 4
        - three stages: 2, 2, and 4
        - four stages: 2, 2, 2, and 2

3.2.2 Cool. But why bother with all that?

    Just as with decimation, the computational and memory requirements
of interpolation filtering can often be reduced by using multiple

3.2.3 OK, so how do I figure out the optimum number of stages, and the
interpolation ratio at each stage?

There isn't a simple answer to this one: the answer varies depending
on many things. However, here are a couple of rules of thumb:

    - Using two or three stages is usually optimal or near-optimal.
    - Interpolate in order of the smallest to largest factors. For
example, when interpolating by a factor of 60 in three stages,
interpolate by 3, then by 4, then by 5. (Use the largest ratio on the
highest rate.)"

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