[apologies for multiple postings]

Job Advertisement: Software Developer for MUSICOLL ANR Project
8 month contract starting on February, 1st, 2016

Associating the Computer Science and Musical Creation Research Centre (CICM) /
MSH Paris Nord USR 3258 and the OhmForce company, specialized in
collaborative digital audio, the MUSICOLL project (2016-2018), funded by
French National Research Agency proposes to redesign musical practices of
real-time in a collaborative and nomadic environment.

Over a first phase, this project aims at the specification and development
of a C++ software prototype using the JUCE framework. It should enable
several creators to work simultaneously on the design of sound processes
hosted online. In that perspective, we are seeking a software developer
that will work with two Ph.D. candidates / developers and two researchers
from CICM.


   - involved in the development of the software kernel.
   - involved in the development of user graphic interface.

Training level: Engineer or Master 2 in software engineering if possible
with a specialization in digital audio signal processing.

Required experience: 2 years.

Required skills

   - mastery of C++ language (standard library from C++11).
   - mastery of versioning tools (Git)
   - mastery of continuous integration tools

Desired skills

   - knowledge of the JUCE framework (http://www.juce.com/)
   - knowledge in digital audio signal processing.

Complementary skills: practice of such visual programming softwares as Pure
Data or Max.

Other skills: excellent editorial skills in English and French. Ability to
work in teams and communicate.

Terms and conditions:

   - Beginning : february, 1st, 2016.
   - Localization : MSH-Paris-Nord, 20 avenue George Sand - 93210
   Saint-Denis - France. Subway station: Front Populaire (line 12)
   - Salary on the basis of a Research Engineer Contractor 1st grade of
   CNRS (National Centre for Scientific Research) equivalent to a gross annual
   salary of 29386 euros.
   - 8 month contract at fulltime.


If you are interested, send us your curriculum vitae, a motivation letter
and a portfolio of your previous realisations at cicm.mshparisn...@gmail.com

CICM is localized between the Université Paris VIII
<http://www-artweb.univ-paris8.fr/spip.php?rubrique336> and the Maison des
Sciences de l'Homme Paris Nord <http://www.mshparisnord.org/>. CICM is
linked to the équipe d'accueil MUSIDANSE n° 1572 "Esthétique, musicologie
et créations musicales" <http://www.musique.univ-paris8.fr/>, Ecole
Doctorale "Esthétique, Sciences et Technologies des Arts »
<http://www.edesta.univ-paris8.fr/> at  the Université Paris VIII
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