
I'm pleased to announce public availability of Axoloti Core.

Axoloti is an open source platform for sketching music-DSP algorithms
running on standalone hardware.

Axoloti Core is a circuit board containing a 168MHz Cortex-M4F
microcontroller, audio ADC/DAC, DIN MIDI, USB host port, USB device port,
switching power supply, 8MB SDRam, a micro-SDCard slot, and a set of
general purpose inputs and outputs.

Axoloti allows you to build custom synths, FX units and new instruments
using a graphical patcher that generates C++ code, and also manages
compilation and upload to the microcontroller. The object library offers
oscillators, filters, envelopes, and more. The patcher runs on Windows, OSX
and Linux.

dupswapdrop: music-dsp mailing list

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