On 4/09/2016 2:49 AM, robert bristow-johnson wrote:
sorry to have to get to the basics, but there are no *two* length
parameters to this alg.  there is only one.

   define the streaming real-time input sequence as x[n].  the length of
this signal is infinite.

   output of running max alg is y[n].  the length of this signal is

which is it?:

   y[n] = max{ x[n], x[n-1], x[n-2], ... x[n-N+1] }


   y[n] = max{ x[n], x[n-1], x[n-2], ... x[n-R+1] }

i've been under the impression it's the first one. using "N".  earlier i
had been under the impression that you're processing R samples at a
time, like processing samples in blocks of R samples. now i have no idea.

I agree that Evan's setup is unusual and not what you'd use for streaming real-time processing.

For what it's worth, in my descriptions of my code:

y[n] = max{ x[n], x[n-1], x[n-2], ... x[n-windowSize+1] }

The history may contain a maximum of windowSize elements (or windowSize-1 depending on the implementation details).

I don't think I mentioned processing samples in blocks, but I don't think we can usefully analyse the practical complexity of this algorithm without discussing block-wise processing.

A worst-case windowSize trimming event (LIFO end of queue) can only possibly happen every windowSize samples(*). This reduces the worst-case complexity for most samples in a block. Hence block-based processing will always (not just on average) yield amortization benefits. If the block size is larger than the windowSize, the original algorithm will run in O(1) worst-case time per sample, otherwise it will be O(k) where k is some function of windowSize and blockSize that I am not prepared to calculate before coffee.

(*) Because once windowSize samples have been trimmed, it will take another windowSize input samples before the queue is at maximum capacity again (and this, only in the decreasing ramp case).


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