Apologies for multiple posting.

Kind regards,

Gualtiero Volpe




1st Intl. Workshop on Multimodal Interaction for Education (MIE 2017) 

In the framework of the 19th ACM International Conference on Multimodal
Interaction (ICMI 2017) 

Glasgow, Scotland. November 13th, 2017 



--- Call for Papers ---

Whilst the usage of multisensory technologies in the education area is
rapidly expanding, the need for solid scientific bases, design guidelines,
and appropriate procedures for evaluation is emerging. Moreover, the
introduction of multimodal interactive systems in the learning environment
needs to develop at the same time suitable pedagogical paradigms. The 1st
International Workshop on Multimodal Interaction for Education (MIE2017)
aims at investigating how multimodal interactive systems, robustly grounded
on psychophysical, psychological, and pedagogical bases, can be designed,
developed, and exploited for enhancing teaching and learning processes in
different learning environments, with a special focus on children in the
classroom. The workshop will bring together researchers and practitioners
from different disciplines, including pedagogy, psychology, psychophysics,
and computer science - with a particular focus on human-computer
interaction, affective computing, and social signal processing - to discuss
such challenges under a multidisciplinary perspective.


The workshop is partially supported by the EU-H2020-ICT Project weDRAW
(http://www.wedraw.eu/). The goal of weDRAW is to introduce a new teaching
paradigm, based on multisensory interaction, that exploits the most
effective sensory channel in children.


A special issue of a journal based on selected contributions from the
workshop is planned.


*** Workshop topics

We encourage submissions including, but not limited to, the following

- Open challenges in multisensory technologies for education;

- Pedagogical frameworks and paradigms exploiting multimodal interaction;

- Psychophysics evidence supporting multimodal interaction for education;

- Design methodologies of multimodal interactive systems for education;

- Techniques for multimodal analysis of learners behavior;

- Models of multimodal interaction in the learning environment;

- Multimodal analysis of learning-related affective states;

- Multimodal analysis of social signals in the learning environment;

- Multimodal interfaces for education;

- Methodologies for assessment and evaluation;

- Case studies;

- Systems and applications (e.g., serious games).


*** Author instructions

We invite the submission of papers (max 8 pages) and demos (max 4 pages)
with accompanying poster. According to the ICMI 2017 guidelines, the
reviewing will be double blind, so submissions should be anonymous: do not
include the authors' names, affiliations or any clearly identifiable
information in the paper. It is appropriate to cite past work of the authors
if these citations are treated like any other (e.g., "Smith [5] approached
this problem by....") - omit references only if it would be obviously
identifying the authors. If a non-anonymous paper has already been
submitted, please re-submit with the identifying information removed. The
workshop chairs are likely to desk reject non-anonymous papers. The results
described in the submission must not be under consideration for publication
elsewhere. Submitted papers should conform to the ACM publication format.


For templates and examples please follow the links:

Word: http://www.acm.org/sigs/publications/pubform.doc


For more information on how to format your contribution please look also at
the submission guidelines of the ICMI Conference.


The papers should be submitted to EasyChair:


The workshop proceedings will be published in the ACM Digital Library.


*** Paper submission and acceptance deadlines

Deadline for submission:              July 20, 2017

Notification of acceptance:          August 18, 2017

Camera-ready submission:          August 31, 2017


*** Workshop organizers

Gualtiero Volpe, Casa Paganini - InfoMus , DIBRIS - University of Genoa,

Monica Gori, U-Vip Unit, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Genoa, Italy 

Nadia Bianchi-Berthouze, UCL Interaction Centre, University College London,
United Kingdom 

Gabriel Baud-Bovy, RBCS Unit, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Genoa, Italy 

Paolo Alborno, Casa Paganini - InfoMus , DIBRIS - University of Genoa, Italy

Erica Volta, Casa Paganini - InfoMus , DIBRIS - University of Genoa, Italy


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