Sometimes the simplest approach is the best approach. Sounds like a good
reverb paper to me. Some user evaluation and references to standard papers
and 😁

On Sep 29, 2017 8:51 AM, "gm" <> wrote:

> It's a totally naive laymans approach
> I hope the formatting stays in place.
> The feedback delay in the loop folds the signal back
> so we have periods of a comb filter.
> |          |          |          |
> |__________|__________|__________|___
> Now we want to fill the period densly with impulses:
> First bad idea is to place a first impulse exactly in the middle
> that would be a ratio for the allpass delay of 0.5 in respect to the comb
> filter.
> It means that the second next impulse falls on the period.
> |         |
> |____|____|___
> The next idea is to place the impulse so that after the second cycle
> it exactly fills the free space between the first pulse and the period
> like this,
> exactly in the middle between the first impulse and the period:
> |           |           |
> |     |     |  |        |
> |_____|_____|__|__|_____|___
> this means we need a ratio "a" for the allpass delay in respect to the
> combfilter loop that fulfills:
> 2a - 1 = a/2
> Where 1 is the period of the combfilter.
> Alternativly, to place it on the other side, we need
> 2a - 1 = 1 - a/2;
> |       |       |
> |   |   |     | |
> |___|___|___|_|_|___
> This gives ratios of 0.5. 0.66667 and 0.8
> These are bad ratios since they have very small common multiples with the
> loop period.
> So we detune them slightly so they are never in synch with the loop period
> or each other.
> That was my very naive approach, and surprisingly it worked.
> The next idea is to place the second impulse not in the middle of the free
> space
> but in a golden ratio in respect to the first impulse
> |            |            |
> |       |    |    |       |
> |_______|____|____|__|____|
> 2a - 1 = a*0.618...
> or
> N*a mod 1 = a*0.618..
> or if you prefer the exact solution:
> a = (1 + SQRT(5)) / ( SQRT(5)*N + N - 2)
> wich is ~ 0.723607  and the same as 1/ (1+ 0.382...) or 1/ (N + 0.382)
> where N is the number of impulses, that means instead of placing the 2nd
> impulse on a*0.618
> we can also place the 3rd, 4th etc for shorter AP diffusors.
> (And again we can also fill the other side of the first impulse with
> 0.839643
> And the solution for N = 1 is 2.618.. and we can use the reciprocal 0.381
> to place a first impusle)
> The pattern this gives for 0.72.. is both regular but evenly distributed
> so that each pulse
> falls an a free space, just like on a Fibonaccy flower pattern each petal
> falls an a free space,
> forever.
> (I have only estimated the first few periods manually, and it appeared
> like that
> Its hard to identify in the impulse response since I test a loop with 3
> APs )
> The regularity is a bad thing, but the even distribution seems like a good
> thing (?).
> I assume it doesn't even make a huge difference to using 0.618.. for a
> ratio though it seemed to sound better.
> (And if you use 0.618, what do you use for the other APs?)
> So it's not the solution I am looking for but interesting never the less.
> I believe that instant and well distributed echo density is a desired
> property
> and I assume that the more noise like the response is as a time series
> the better it works also in the frequency/phase domain.
> For instance you can make noise loops with randomizing all phases by FFT
> in circular convolution
> that sound very reverberated.
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