The background of the idea was to get a better time resolution
with shorter FFTs and then to refine the freuqency resolution.

You would think at first glance that you would get the same time resolution
as you would with the longer FFT, but I am not sure, if you do overlaps
you get kind of a sliding FFT but maybe it's still the same, regardless.

A similar idea would be to do some basic wavelet transfrom in octaves for instance and then
do smaller FFTs on the bands to stretch and shift them but I have no idea
if you can do that - if you shift them you exceed their bandlimit I assume?
and if you stretch them I am not sure what happens, you shift their frequency content down I assume?
Its a little bit fuzzy to me what the waveform in a such a band represents
and what happens when you manipulate it, or how you do that.

Probably these ideas are nonsense but how could you pitch and stretch a waveform and preserve transients other wise? with a more or less quick real time inverse transform?

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