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Call for Papers

Workshop on emotions and emergent states in groups
https://groupemotion.github.io/ <https://groupemotion.github.io/>

@ 8th International Conference on Affective Computing & Intelligent Interaction 
(ACII 2019)
Cambridge, UK
September 3, 2019


The study of affect in groups, although a major goal of affective computing, 
has received relatively less attention compared to modeling individual affect. 
This is primarily because studying affect in an interactive, multiparty setting 
is more complex, and often, not very well defined outside specific 
applications. As group members explicitly and implicitly interact to coordinate 
their actions and achieve objectives, so-called emergent states also evolve 
over time. These include pivotal group phenomena such as trust, conflict, and 
cohesion. This workshop will provide a unique occasion to gather researchers 
and practitioners working on approaches for sensing, analyzing, and modeling 
group emotion and emergent states from a multidisciplinary perspective, 
including psychological, ethnological, sociological, pedagogical, and 
computational viewpoints.

Possible topics include:
- Theoretical approaches to affective dynamics and resulting emergent states in 
- Research design: from controlled lab settings to groups in the wild
- Data collection, annotation, and sharing
- Approaches for analyzing and modeling groups taking into account emergent 
states and/or emotions
- Integration of artificial agents (robots, virtual characters) in the group 
life by leveraging its affective loop: interaction paradigms, strategies, 
modalities, adaptation
- Collaborative affective interfaces (e.g., for inclusion, for education, for 
games and entertainment)

Paper submissions:
Submissions should be in the form of long papers (maximum 7 pages; 6 pages + 1 
page for references) or poster papers (maximum 4 pages; 3 pages + 1 page for 
references). Submissions should follow the paper format for the ACII 
conference, details here: http://acii-conf.org/2019/submission/ 
The reviewing process for the workshop will be "double blind": the submitted 
version of the paper should be appropriately anonymized not to reveal either 
the authors' identities or institutions.

All submissions will be reviewed by at least 2 experts from our international 
program committee. Accepted papers will be indexed in IEEE Xplore. Exploration 
of a special issue from the workshop is underway.

Submissions should be made to the following easychair site: 

Important dates:
- Submission deadline: June 17, 2019 (midnight PST)
- Notification deadline: July 3, 2019
- Camera-ready deadline: July 12, 2019

Keynote Speakers:
- Hatice Gunes - University of Cambridge, U.K.
- Nale Lehmann-Willenbrock - Universität Hamburg, Germany

International Program Committee:
- Xavier Alameda-Pineda - INRIA, France
- Oya Aran - De La Salle University, Manila, Philippines
- Alessandro D'Ausilio - Università di Ferrara, IIT Ferrara, Italy
- Theodora Chaspari - Texas A&M University, USA
- Chloé Clavel - Telecom-ParisTech, France
- Ekin Gedik - Technical University of Delft, The Netherlands
- Donald Glowinski - Université de Genève, Switzerland
- Peter Keller - Western Sidney University, Australia
- Agata Lapedriza - Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Spain
- Jeremy Lee - National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan
- Ming Li - Duke University, USA
- Gelareh Mohammadi - University of New South Wales, Australia
- Catharine Oertel - EPFL, Switzerland
- Ana Paiva - Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal
- Christopher Peters - KTH, Sweden
- Ronald Poppe - Utrecht University, The Netherlands
- Victor Sanchez - University of Warwick, U.K.
- Tanmay Sinha - ETH, Switzerland
- Albert Ali Salah - Utrecht University, The Netherlands
- Khiet Truong - University of Twente, The Netherlands
- Zhaojun Yang - Facebook

Organizing Committee:
- Giovanna Varni - LTCI, Télécom ParisTech, Université Paris-Saclay, Paris, 
- Naveen Kumar - Disney Research, USA
- Cristina Segalin - Disney Research, USA
- James Kennedy - Disney Research, USA
- Mohamed Chetouani - ISIR, Sorbonne Université, Paris, France
- Joseph A. Allen - University of Nebraska at Omaha, USA
- Maurizio Mancini - University College Cork, Ireland
- Gualtiero Volpe - University of Genova, Italy
- Tanaya Guha - University of Warwick, U.K.
- Samuel Mascarenhas - Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal

- This workshop has been supported by the French National Agency (ANR) in the 
frame of its Technological Research JCJC program (GRACE, project 
- This workshop partly received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 
research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 765955 (ANIMATAS 
InnovativeTraining Network).

- Giovanna Varni (giovanna.varniATtelecom-paristech.fr 
- Naveen Kumar (Naveen.KumarATdisney.com <http://naveen.kumaratdisney.com/>)

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