someone asked, who is asking these questions.

It's just me personally (and the surveymonkeykraken of course).

No head hunter here nor sinister scanning of the place nor marketing BS.

Reason I am asking is I got out of touch with a few things and need to know
and recalibrate what my past and present labour is actually worth today.*

That's why this survey is not asking things like how much are you "making" per year.
That is totally irrelevant to me.

I used the survey website so people can answer anonymously, thought that most would prefer that.

Asking for typical tasks and tools to get a very coarse idea of what you might actually do, how you might work, how that might relate to my work, how common/uncommon your skill set might be, etc. etc..

Paid/unpaid asks what actually appears on an invoice.

I assume the answers (3 so far) will also be interesting for some other people,
but I havent figured out how to get the data out from a free account.
Difficult since it's mostly free text fields.

If only a few people are answering I could copy it, but I am hoping for a few more answers during the week.

*please no: it's-worth-what-they-pay-you replys, thanks

Am 22.05.2020 um 21:27 schrieb gm:
you can answer here or on surveymonkey if you prefer


type of employment (employed, freelance / self employed, other):

rates per hour (or per day):

estimated ratio paid/unpaid work:

job description (examples of what you do, or did, typcially):

tools (tools / software you are working with mostly):


fictional example, to give you the idea


type of employment:

rates per hour:
 0.00 - 1.00 Euro / h

estimated ratio paid/unpaid work:

job description:
 physical modelling (Stylophon emulation)

tools (tools / software you are working with mostly):
 Modzilla Thunderbird


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