On Thu, May 12, 2011 at 7:06 PM, caramel <carame...@ymail.com> wrote:
>> My gut feeling is that Track Title and Recording Title should be handled
>> differently, as follows:
>> Track Titles should get as little "normalization" as possible/practical.
>> Recording Titles (on the other hand) should be normalized much as Work
>> Titles will be. The difference (in my mind) is that a Recording Title
>> will reflect the particulars of that Recording, e.g.
>> orchestration/instrumentation/transposition.
> Yes but mainly through ARs not in the title.
> In fact, the relations are N tracks to 1 recordings, and N recordings to 1
> Work. So the recordings are more stable/normalize than tracks, and works
> should be fully (strictly) normalized.
> But if we tag using MB, we'll get track titles... so better to maintain them
> not so dirt.

One of the main options of the first fully-NGS-adapted Picard will
probably be allowing the use of recordings instead of tracks for
tagging (with the user choosing what he wants, of course).
> Olivier
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