Jim DeLaHunt wrote:
> Oh, I get it.  You are proposing text to be added to
> http://wiki.musicbrainz.org/Category:External_Information_Relationship_Class
> to describe the new "License" Relationship. I think the change to
> Category:External_Information_Relationship_Class should be another bullet
> point in the list at
> http://wiki.musicbrainz.org/Proposal:Improve_CC-license_links#Proposal .
> We're now up to 4 parts to the proposal.
> I agree this wording is fine for
> Category:External_Information_Relationship_Class . It's not complete,
> though. You also need to have some examples of the Relationship text, e.g.
> "Release is licensed under URL ".

This shouldn't be necessary. The text on category pages is generated by 
a template.

> Also, you have an attribute "description" for License_Relationship_Type, and
> say it should be empty. I see that other Relationships in the
> External_Information_Relationship_Class also have an attribute "description"
> but say it should be empty. Does anybody know why we can't simply hide this
> attribute instead?

It would be possible when adding a URL, but since URLs can be shared by 
multiple relationships, there's no easy way to prevent people from ever 
entering descriptions. A number of people think we should get rid of the 
field entirely: http://tickets.musicbrainz.org/browse/MBS-3791


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