On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 03:01, symphonick <symphon...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Yeah, sorry I was unclear. It should have said "Recording/Artist credits.",
> only the first paragraph dealt with track(list) artists. (see the RFC for
> Recording artist credits)

Okay, sorry for spilling the track AC discussion over into the other
thread, then.  As a matter of fact, I didn't express myself well in
the other thread anyway, so let me clarify below.

> To clarify the track artist discussion: right now I have 2 suggestions:
> 1. leave at default value (=Release Artist, featured composers & performers
> suggested)
> 2. set to composer
> 1 is the easiest; the problem with it is if you actually want to use the
> data there's a good chance that it's incorrect
> 2 is old CSG-style

For a concrete examples why (1) could a problem, see:
[a] http://musicbrainz.org/release/720fa605-51b4-48f7-852f-ff1069b19402
[b] http://musicbrainz.org/release/b3969b7f-f006-412c-b72b-b849fc7e2732
[c1] http://musicbrainz.org/release/98a01ae6-aaf9-4678-a99a-4fd253a33c8b
[c2] https://www.murfie.com/albums/20574

[a] Has no prominent release composer.
[b] Has two prominent release composers - will tracks 1-3 have Vaughan
Williams in the ACs, and track 4 have Elgar?
[c] Tasmin Little is a release featured artist, but only involved in 4
tracks out of 9.

A third option would be... Track ACs have a) the composer (which is
always going to be credited in the back-cover track list), and b)
which ever release ACs apply to the track.  But still, I have
concerns, which I explain next.

Let me restate the points I was making yesterday (hopefully, more
coherently).  These are in response to the idea that I can make a
choice between tagging ARTIST from track ACs or work ACs.

1) Even if Picard had this option, it's not a one-time either-or
choice for me.  I listen to both classical and popular music.
Perpetually toggling a switch to get reasonable results is not

2) I use last.fm.  And sometimes when I scrobble a track, last.fm
overrides my choice of artist which a choice of its own.  Obviously,
their choice must be based on some other set of data -- MusicBrainz
data, near as I can tell.  So, regardless of my own choices, how third
parties use MusicBrainz data has an impact on me, as well.

3) Third parties like last.fm cannot make a release-to-release choice
between an option that works for popular and an option that works for
classical.  They can make only once choice.

-:-:- David K. Gasaway
-:-:- Email: d...@gasaway.org

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