Calvin Walton wrote:
> Since YouTube isn't the only video sharing site around by far, a lot of
> labels and artists are publishing their videos on sites such as Vimeo,
> Dailymotion, and Nico Nico Douga. But we don't currently have any way to
> link to these channels!
> My proposal is to generalize the current YouTube Relationship Type [1]
> to turn it into the awesome new Video Channel Relationship Type.

I need to find out what I'm supposed to do when we want to generalise 
things like that, since I was told to never edit relationship names. 
I'll let you know once I find out.

Would this relationship cover Ustream too?

Does this mean YouTube playlists will now be OK? If so, how do we 
determine if they're official? If not, then it's not clear that they're not.

The current description/guideline seems like it could be misunderstood 
as meaning "as long as the videos themselves are official, the channel 
can be anyone's" when it's the channel that we actually want to be official.

I would personally prefer to just add the URLs to 
and open tickets to standardise them where needed.


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