2013/11/27 Alex Mauer <ha...@hawkesnest.net>

> On 11/27/2013 11:36 AM, Frederic Da Vitoria wrote:
> > You are right, and I already saw this but I forgot about it. This part
> > comes from the previous version and obviously needs to be upgraded.
> > Could someone who really knows what Picard is currently able to do
> > upgrade this part? And at the same time add the Picard version this is
> > referring to.
> I cleaned up the two sections that referred to new versions of the
> database/tagger (the ID3 section and the “is musicbrainz useless for
> classical” section)


Frederic Da Vitoria

Membre de l'April - « promouvoir et défendre le logiciel libre » -
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