On 14.01.2015 01:00 Jim Duke wrote:
> Ok.  I see that now.  My brain just doesn't seem to want to absorb the
> concept of "psuedo-release".  Not sure why.  I must have read that a
> zillion times and it just doesn't stick.
You're not the only one. A lot of users seem to have problems with it.

Incidentally, we just recently had a style discussion about 
pseudo-releases, where I also argued that we properly support multiple 
tracklists and then get rid of pseudos instead.

On 14.01.2015 00:47 Jim Duke wrote:
> I think it would be good to add alternate translations for
> titles and track names, where such translations are provided in
> the release.  I'm not sure how the schema would need to change
> to accommodate it.  But it seems, from a style policy
> perspective that we should be able to capture the provided track
> translations.

We're not sure how to change the schema either. There is an open ticket 
for the technical side of it: 
http://tickets.musicbrainz.org/browse/MBS-4501 Feel free to comment 
and/or vote there if you want this implemented.

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