On Fri, 2015-01-16 at 13:23 +0000, Tom Crocker wrote:
> On 16 Jan 2015 11:38, "Héctor Arroyo" <churr...@hangar18.cc> wrote:
> > I've also concerns about the data duplication that happens on
> festivals when artists can potentially be linked 2 to 3 times (on the
> day they perform, on a child event for the artist performance itself
> and on the "parent" event that links each festival day together).
> >
> On a similar point, should we link recordings and releases to events
> or just some? 

The general guideline I've been following (and I've been adding a LOT of
Events and Places, due to my work on adding YouTube videos of contra
dances) is to only add an Event or Place if I can link it to more than
one recorded-music-related entity (i.e. Recording, or Release). I know
there is an idea out there of trying to copy artists whole event
schedules into MusicBrainz (and I don't oppose that) -- but for my use,
I limit myself to only adding Events (and Places) that I need to link
together other otherwise unconnected entities.

And I also regularly have limited information, so I'll have to attach a
Recording to a whole festival Event, rather than a specific day, if I
don't know what day it was recorded on. And I'll create an Event for a
specific workshop at a festival if and only if I have multiple
recordings of that particular workshop.


http://musicbrainz.org/event/df98dc93-82c2-4fdf-a552-b96b16d1d354 NEFFA
Concord Scout House

Further discussion (and guidelines) would be lovely.


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