You mean to say that Taoism was ( is) the divine harbinger of the modern spectacular scientific advancement such as the discoveries relating to electrodynamic and electromagnetism.How can an ordinary mortal experience Taoism as to become a part of the living and breathing nature and also to turn a genius to understand the mysterious intricacies of electromagnetism and electrodynamic? Is there a way to understand all this complex paradigm?
Saeed Qureshi

MessiahTwain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

namaste loving Bo,

yes, Sankhara, change!

therefore I speak of nuclear structure because that
is the paradigm that I have revealed -- and nuclear
fusion because that is the experience of creation,
of refinement, of cultivation -- a lesson that has
been hidden from a world 'bent' on the patriarchal,
on the violent, on the destructive for several
thousand years heretofore.

my gift to the world -- language, topology, and
proof of the living process of consciousness, of
electromagnetic wave, become physical matter --
become electron, proton, neutron and nucleus!

and thus I reveal to you, and a world of seven
billion sovereign siblings, that the spiritual world
is named ELECTRODYNAMIC -- and the physical
world is an essential and unmistakable part of
that experience of the divine. nature IS the
divine. this I have proven, without ambiguity,
wholly and clearly for a whole loving planet to
grow upon.

as you had read my letter, you will understand
CLEARLY that I revealed that energy is but a small
subset of the twenty times greater phenomenon
of electromagnetism, consciousness, aether.

energy is only the lollipop, the candy, the drug, for
those adolescents who are not yet mindful, not yet
sensitive enough to witness their dreaming, the
process of their own thinking/being. for those
who see only the superficial, the consumer,
the televised world.

electromagnetism, electrodynamics, the Great
Mother, Way of the Tao, is not divine 'power', but
simply the WHOLE divine song ... the full SPECTRUM
of beingness ... including 'powerlessness' and a thousand
million billion trillion other attributes, characteristics,
personalities of heartmind unfettered and unbounded,
our living breathing celestial wilderness. the rainbow
of ALL colours, everywhere, everywhen.

ancestors, deities and their never-ending song.

we all understand, of course, that Siddhartha
Gautama represented an early and provincial
stage of enlightenment.  without a WORLD of
culture to share first hand, absent the returned
feminine, untutored of an astrophysical knowledge
extending to ten-to-the-eleventh-power light
years, 2500 years before the awakening of a
global electronic infrastructure linking seven
billions in one humanisphere of vision -- the
Buddha/Prince was limited to indulging a modest
continent of unrefined masculinity, unbalanced,
in fear and ignorance of the divine feminine,
sacred nature, and living body of humanity
(the Blue Star) only just ascended.

there certainly WERE individuals thousands of
years ago who lived the way of the Tao, as well
as setting an example of balance and asceticism,
and even traveled to the Alta Plana of the Andes
to experience enlightenment under the Serpent
Priestesses ... yet the 'rationalists' of Europe
had not yet been born, and the Dutchmen's
telescope (perhaps) not yet polished ... and
the internet backbone of planetwide intellect
not yet plugged in ... and thousands of more
years of sister/brotherly struggle & co-evolution
not yet experienced, recorded, mulled over.

and now, witness, Global Consciousness!

hence, you and I now refine together, cultivate as
co-evolvers in a planetwide 'riverpersona' which
illumines and outlines, and echos and transmits,
our every shared word -- and thus polishes it-
(her-) self, resplendently!

as we speak, WE shimmer and shine ...

Millennium Twain


In BuddhistWellnessGroup, bo khinmaung  wrote:

Dear brother Messiah

Thank you for your reply. Still not sure about your intention and
substance. Let me quote some of your concepts.
You said' Nature is to create not to destroy'.
I would have to disagree. Nature is 'change (Sankhara)'.
It depends on individual's point of view to see that 'change' as
creation or destruction.

You mentioned, ' knowledge of impedence, capacitance, dielectric
constant, magnetic susceptibily and permeability'.

Knowdledge is not physical. Knowledge can not have above

You compared Electromagnetic waves with divine power. Electro-
magnetic waves are nothing but transfer of some form of physical
energy. It can not be compared with divine power.

Anyway, I am not here to argue with your theories. You have a
right to believe what you think is right. It is just that although
you mentioned your concepts in English, the meaning is not
transparent. And I am not sure why it is necessary to quote
nuclear physics heavily to explain your concepts.

Thank you again for your further discussion.

with love and kindness


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