In IlluminAlch, a member wrote:

If people are worried about the governments taking their bullion,
they need
only switch to the safehaven of jewelry. 
The US economy is going down, and it will do so over a long,
continuing period
of time.  It  won't become sudden and precipitous.  Furthermore, the
fall will
be cushioned because they are a net supplier and servicer to the new
emerging rainbow economies of China and India from which everyone
worldwide will derive future wealth.

So even though Asia is 'competition', taking back from the gangster
they'll also provide an economic lifeline to the West as we all ride
coat tails into a green sustainable multicultural future.


Re: 'AU' [Gold] Rises As Mother Earth Sinks ...

--- Cass Silva <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Copper and Silver are also rising.   Uranium is also going to soar.
> Cass

The Age,
Sydney, Australia

Gold price soars over $US700 an ounce

May 10, 2006 - 5:45PM

The price of gold has soared through the $US700 an ounce barrier,
with the all-time record now firmly in sight.

The spot price of gold in Sydney closed at $US703.30 an ounce on
Wednesday, which was a $US24.80 jump on Tuesday's local close
of $US678.50 an ounce.

Daiwa Securities analyst Mark Pervan said the all-time record high
of over $US850, set back in 1980, was now well within sight.

"There is no reason why it couldn't move quickly towards $US750
or $US800 an ounce."

The price has been pushed upwards by increasing global tensions,
the continuing US war against the world, and the escalating
evaporation of worldwide resources.

Gold has long been viewed as a safe haven among the investment
world against disasters. "It is a safe haven against equity, currency
and political risk," Pervan said.

China has told the US, 'We will gladly replace the dollars you owe
us for the remaining Gold you have in your vaults'.


Shanghai, Beijing gold more expensive
    (Shanghai Daily)
   Updated: 2006-05-10 15:33

Shanghai jewelers raised the retail price of gold products, such as
rings, necklaces and bracelets, by 6 yuan (75 US cents) to 202 yuan
per gram yesterday, Shanghai Morning Post said.


BEIJING, May 10 (Xinhua) -- The retail price of gold ornaments hit a
record 200 yuan (25 U.S. dollars) per gram in the Chinese capital,
Economic Information Daily reported Tuesday.

The Caishikou Department Store, one of Beijing's main department
stores selling gold ornaments, raised prices to 200 yuan per gram
from 180 yuan (22.5 dollars) per gram a week ago, the paper said.

Other retailers in the city are expected to follow suit.

An industry insider attributed the price hike to several factors in
the international market, including raising oil prices, and the
devaluation of the U.S. dollar.



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